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6N4310: Identify and Prepare a Comprehensive Evaluation of the Management Process: Business Management Assignment, CMIT

University College of Management and IT (CMIT)
Subject 6N4310: Business Management

Assessment Project

Part 1:

  1. Identify and prepare a comprehensive evaluation of the management process.
  2. Prepare a detailed description of a management system of implementation. The implementation of the system should also be discussed and evaluated.
  3. The management skills associated with the project should be identified. List what you see to be the key management in any project A list of both conclusions and recommendations should also be presented.

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Assessment Details:

  • Identify a management process for evaluation
  • Evaluation of that management process
  • Preparing a detailed description of a Management System for Implementation
  • Describing the implementation of the system
  • Identifying a range of management skills found
  • The students own list of key management skills List of conclusions presented List of recommendations made

Part 2:

This assignment will require you to demonstrate an understanding of Human Resources in an organization that you are familiar with.

The following points should be addressed in your assignment:

  1. Prepare a comprehensive evaluation of a chosen area within Human Resources
  2. Focusing on the topic discussed in Part 1; you are now required to demonstrate an appropriate application of Behavioural Theories
  3. Draw relevant conclusions and recommendations from findings.
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