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6N2191: Realistic Setting Of Objectives And Goals, KRAs Clearly Identified: Key Management Skills Assignment, DCD, Ireland

University Dorset College Dublin (DCD)
Subject 6N2191: Key Management Skills

Assessment Guidelines:

The brief requires the learner to be assessed in each of the following areas:

Operational Planning Skills: setting goals and objectives, drawing up work plans, problem-solving, evaluation

Organizational Skills: time management, record keeping, running meetings, delegation, selection, and interview skills

Team Leadership Skills: including communication, interpersonal, appraisal and evaluation skills

The skills will be assessed throughout the course; Learners will keep a log of the leadership activities undertaken, with a reflection on their own learning and progress. Learners will also provide supporting evidence such as work plans, lists of goals and objectives, records kept, interview notes, meeting minutes etc.

Assessment Criteria:

Operational Planning skills

1. Realistic setting of objectives and goals, KRAs clearly identified

2. Effective and realistic work plan was drawn up

3. Effective implementation process decided, with accurate and timely identification of problems, possible solutions identified

4. Detailed recording of work plan progress

5. Effective evaluation of progress, both work plan and personal

Organizational skills

1. Excellent time management procedures developed

2. Accurate record-keeping, efficient management of meetings

3. Appropriate delegation of tasks

4.  Effective selection and interview skills

5.  Insightful evaluation of own performance

Team Leadership skills

1. Appropriate roles assigned to team members

2. Excellent communication with team members, clear briefing and instructing

3. Effective negotiation of decisions, successful resolution of conflicts

4. Excellent appraisal and evaluation skills – encouraging, giving feedback, accepting criticism, dealing with poor performance

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