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6N1957: The aims of education for pupils with special educational needs are the same as applying to all children: QQI Level 6 Special Needs Assisting Assignment, OC, Ireland

University The Open College (OC)
Subject 6N1957: Special Needs Assisting

All children, including children with special educational needs, have a right to an education that is appropriate to their needs. The aims of education for pupils with special educational needs are the same as applying to all children. Education should be about enabling all children, in line with their abilities, to live full and independent lives so that they can contribute to their communities, cooperate with other people, and continue to learn throughout their lives. Education is about supporting children to develop in all aspects of their lives – spiritual, moral, cognitive, emotional, imaginative, aesthetic, social, and physical.

Understanding special needs assisting

Special needs assistants are recruited specifically to assist schools in providing the necessary non-teaching service to students with special educational needs, who have significant care needs. They are allocated to the school and work under the direction of the principal/teachers. The SNA usually supports several students with care needs in the school. Most students with special educational needs do not have significant care needs and therefore will not need access to a special needs assistant while at school.

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