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6N1957- Recommend and carry out two activity plans based on a thorough analysis of the child’s needs

You are required to conduct a needs/strength analysis of a child. You will then recommend and carry out two activity plans based on a thorough analysis of the child’s needs.


COMPREHENSIVE BACKGROUND PROFILE of the focus child, clear evidence of consultation with relevant persons including written consent (4 marks)
OBSERVATIONAL REPORT (observations -physical, intellectual, language, emotional, social) including detailed interventions /recommendations

Activity Plans (2 Separate Activity Plans)
Clear evidence of a comprehensive overview of the activities to include:
AIM, OBJECTIVES, AND RATIONALE of each activity/ how the activity will meet the key areas i.e. health and wellbeing and education
DETAILED PLAN for each activity identifying resources/ material and equipment
DESCRIPTION of how the specific needs of the child will be met
EVIDENCE of learner’s ability to carry out each activity efficiently – observations

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