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6N1950: Discuss how the evolution of technology has impacted how people communicate: Communication Assignment, OC, Ireland

University The Open College (OC)
Subject 6N1950: Communication

Task 1: Weighting (Communications & Information Technology)

Discuss how the evolution of technology has impacted how people communicate. Consider some of the points below

  • The Internet
  •  Mobile Technology/ Mobile Etiquette
  • Digital Technology
  • Social Alienation
  • On-line privacy

Task 2:  Weighting 15% (Evaluating Legislation) )

Provide a Microsoft word table that describes the key elements of the following legislation (please refer to the Sample and Table Template Available). Reference the original Act and include a summary of the key elements (the main points you think as important).

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Task 3: Weighting 5% (Non umbel Communication  NVC)

Outline the 9 principals of  NVC and dooms how NVC enhances human interaction reins consideration to both the positive and negative ,influences.

Task 4: Weighting IS% (Research Skills)

Construct a vent Len report which demonstrates effective study skill (e g. investigation/research skills and your ability to use a range of enquiry techniques. The tope must be ‘relative to your area of work. please follow the format below.

  • Cover Page (noting report title and student Information]
  • Content Page (page index)
  •  Interaction
  • Main Body (incl. subheadings)
  • Conclusion
  • Reference list

Task 5: Weighting 10% (Drafting, Editing and Proofreading skills)

This task is linked with Task 4 above. Submit evidence of each draft version of the report constructed as evidence of Drafting, Editing and Proofreading skills. It is important to illustrate the stages involved in the drafting process before concluding to the final version. There should be a minimum of two draft versions as well as the final version, however, if you have any additional draft submissions, Pease submit all versions.

Complete and upload the checklist to ensure that all assessment parts have been addressed.

It is important to note that results issued are provisional and subject verification from the QQ1 External Authenticator.

Please note if you go over any of the recommended word counts, deduction will be at tutor discretion based on the relevance of the information submitted.

Before submitting your work please ensure that you have followed the instructions outlined in detail on the ‘Submission Guidelines’ handout.

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