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6N1944: Design a Document that You could Hand Out to Parents of the ECCE Room: Level 6 Early Childhood Curriculum Assignment, OU

University The Open University (OU)
Subject 6N1944: Level 6 Early Childhood Curriculum

Assignment 1 – Skills Demonstration

Section 1 – 500 words

Design a document that you could hand out to parents of the ECCE Room at the beginning of the year that explains the following information:

  • Describe Siolta
  • Describe the principles behind Aistear
  • Outline your plans to facilitate and extend the child’s learning based on the Early Childhood Curriculum. Giving examples of activities that would extend learning.

Section 2 – 500 words per activity

Learners are required to carry out four appropriate learning activities in an ECCE setting.  The following areas of Aistear must be covered – one in each skills demonstration.

Well-being, Identity and Belonging, Communicating, Exploring, and Thinking.

In addition to carrying out the four skills demonstrations, learners must evidence the following in  their written work:

  1. Effective planning of each learning activity
  2. Collaboration with the whole team in the ECCE setting
  3. Details of the implementation of appropriate learning activities suited to the age range and development of the child and inclusive of all children
  4. Critical reflection on each learning activity and your role in supporting learning
  5. A comprehensive evaluation of each activity with evidence of supporting the themes of Aistear and Siolta.
  6. Relate theory to practice using relevant learning theorist to support your work (a minimum of two theorists linked in each activity)

A supervisor must assess each skill demonstration and work must include evidence in the form of ‘ a supervisor marking sheet’ fully completed and signed.

Section 3– 500 words (curriculum plans are not included in the word count)

(Short & medium term planning) Inclusion of a weekly schedule & daily schedule outlining the tasks.

Design a weekly curriculum plan template in conjunction with four activities for the four themes of AistearThe plan must clearly show the activities you completed with the children highlighted on the days and dates they took place.

Section 4 – 500 words (curriculum plans are not included in the word count)
(Long term planning)

Create a 4-week curriculum plan and evaluate it.

Your four-week plan should run consecutively i.e. October (Week 1, Week 2, etc.)from 14th September through to 17th October. The plan should be completed for each day of the week and your activities should be on this plan for the week you completed them. The weekly plan already completed in section 3 can be counted in this plan.

Aistear and Siolta themes and the difficulties you faced and how you could improve your understanding of Aistear and Siolta meeting the themes within the curriculum and in your own learning goals. Outline how others in the team can improve their skills with regard to the implementation of Aistear and Siolta.

Reflect on the process of using long, medium and short term planning when implementing an early years curriculum based on your own values and beliefs about curriculum planning, how adults supporting learning and theories on how children learn.

Assignment 2 Project

Section 1 – 1500 words

Demonstrate effective use of Secondary research skills through reading appropriate sources for knowledge on models of education.

Select two models of education & consider how their contributions support and promote learning and development. Evaluate the role of the adult in children’s’ learning & development within their early year’s environment and relate this to the chosen models.

Models of education

Te Whariki
Reggio Emilia
High Scope

When you have completed your evaluation, you should create a table on 1 A4 page to present your information on (see example below). Your table will show the most important and interesting findings in your research.

Outline of the two models.

Montessori Te Whariki

Section 2 – 1000 words

Discuss the importance of play in the early year’s curriculum.

Your writings should use the following headings.

  • Introduction – Define Play with stages
  • Aims – The various types of play, adult-led, child-led, etc.
  • Examples of learning experiences through play give two examples of play activities and outline how each can support PILES
  • Reflect on the role of the adult in providing for play

Section 3 – 1000 words

Discuss how the following theorists have influenced the development of the Early Childhood curriculum today.

Jean Piaget

  • Lev Vygotsky.
  • Albert Bandura.

Research theories & consider how their contributions support learning in the ECCE setting.

Outline the important aspects of the theories with adequate referencing in-text sources. Give examples of theory to practice showing an understanding of how the chosen learning theory connects with how children learn. E.g. Piaget described children as ‘little scientists ‘and emphasized the need for children to have concrete materials to explore. The play environment presents many concrete experiences, such as sand water or dough for children to feel, experiment with, make conclusions, develop concepts about how they work, see cause and effect and problem solve, and so on.

Give clear examples of their influences on the development of the Early Childhood curriculum today; including your own beliefs on how children learn and how adults supporting the learning process.

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