5N3770: You are Required to Complete 5 different Practical skills, which will Demonstrate your Competence: Physiotherapy Assistant Studies Assignment, KC, Ireland
University | Kerry College (KC) |
Subject | 5N3770: Physiotherapy Assistant Studies |
Skills Demonstration
You are required to complete 5 different practical skills, which will demonstrate your competence in the field of physiotherapy assistant practice.
The 5 skills are
1. Lie to sit on the edge of the bed
2. Sit to stand from the bed
3. Transfer from a bed to a chair with a mobility aid
4. Mobility Aid Training — Elbow Crutches (3 Point Gait — Step To/Step-Through, 2 Point Gait —Step To/Step-Through)
5. Mobility Aid Training Wheeled Zimmer Frame
Assessment Criteria
1. Organisation and preparation of task, paying particular attention to meeting the individual needs of clients (12 marks)
List and discuss the appropriate considerations required when planning and preparing for physiotherapy intervention with regards:
i) The Task
ii) The Individual
iii) The Environment
2. Ability to carry out the task
Demonstrate :
i) Lie to sit on the edge of the bed
ii) Sit to stand from the bed
iii) Transfer from a bed to a chair with a mobility aid
iv) Mobility Aid Teaching — Elbow Crutches (3 Point Gait — Step To/Step-Through, 2 Point Gait —Step To/Step-Through) (4 marks)
v) Mobility Aid Training —Wheeled Zimmer Frame (2 marks)
3. Communication with the client and any other appropriate person throughout the task, including the demonstration of consultation with the client and displays of encouragement and empathy
i) Discuss the importance of communication with the client a. Prior to intervention
b. Throughout the intervention
c. Post-intervention
ii) Discuss the importance of communication with other appropriate persons (Supervising Physiotherapist, MDT, etc.)
iii) Demonstrate encouragement and empathy with the client throughout physiotherapy intervention
4. Use of appropriate safety and health practices
What are the key safety and health practices that need to be considered for a:
i) Lie to sit on the edge of the bed
ii) Sit to stand from the bed
iii) Transfer from a bed to a chair with a mobility aid
iv) Mobility Aid Training
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