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5N3734 Learner Record Assignment Section 1, 2 and 3 : Infection prevention and Control QQI 5 Assignment, OU, Ireland

University The Open College (OC)
Subject 5N3734 Infection prevention and prevention QQI 5

Learner Record Section 1

From your experience in your placement reflect on the local contro! measures for infection,
prevention & control. In your response refer to the local infection control team and policies in
relation to dress, staff health and travel associated infections. You may also refer to a situation from your workplace where as part of a team you were involved in dealing with a client / resident who presented with a known infection and how the team dealt with the situation.

Learner Record Section 2

From your experience in your placement identify the main blood borne viruses which
pose a threat and the methods utilized to prevent the spread of infection. In your
response refer to the viruses by name and discuss hazards that may have posed a risk
and explain how these hazards were controlled and or prevented.

Learner Record Section 3

From your experience in your placement reflect on the role of antibiotics and the importance of correct and safe antibiotic use to avoid antibiotic resistance. In your response you may reflect ona situation from your workplace where antibiotic therapy was used, how you felt about its’s use, was it effective and discuss any concern’s you might have had about its usage.

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