5N2770 QQI Level 5 Care Skills: Practical Skills, Needs Assessment, and Preventive Strategies in Helthcare
University | The Open College (OC) |
Subject | 5N2770 Care Skills |
Skill Demonstration Assignment is on the Case Study
Mr James Brown, a 75-year-old, was admitted into the nursing home in January 2020. Previous to this, Mr Brown was in St Vincent’s hospital following a stroke where he spent six months.
Following the stroke Mr Brown now uses a rollator. He has no difficulties transferring himself and needs no assistance. He is partially paralysed on the left side of his body, and sometimes his speech is a little slurred. Mr Browns wife and son visit every few days. Prior to his retirement, Mr Brown worked in Dublin Dockyards and had a keen interest in swimming, hill walking and crossword puzzles.
You are required to write three reports on the following skills/tasks undertaken within the care setting:
Task 1: Assisting a client with a meal or feeding a client a meal.
Task 2: Assisting a client with Personal Hygiene {tub-bath, bed bathing or showering}
Task 3: Assisting a client to a commode or assisting with toileting a client or emptying a catheter bag.
Your reports will be assessed on the following:
• Efficient preparation for and execution of each task {15 Marks}
• Effective communication with client(s) during each task {15 Marks}
• Clear ability to report and/or respond to questions, and communicate with other members
of the healthcare team {15 Marks}
• Comprehensive understanding and implementation of health and safety requirements
{15 Marks}
Each Report carries equal marks.
Word count per task (3 tasks): 600 words (total 1800 +/- 10%)
Structure / Headings for each report:
Activity / Task Chosen:
• Briefly introduce the client you are going to be working with, providing relevant background
• Preparation for task {to include client preparation, environment, materials, equipment and
consent obtained}
• How did you determine the level of assistance that the client would require?
• List the equipment needed to complete this activity efficiently
• How did you ensure good Infection Control practice when completing this task?
• What communication skills did you use when communicating with the client during the planning and execution of the task? {Verbal and non-verbal communication to be addressed}
• Outline in detail how this task was carried out from beginning to end, to include rationale
for interventions, demonstrating good client care.
• Outline the health and safety issues involved in this task and the rationale for same.
• Outline how you communicated with other team members. Was this task recorded in clients
care plan and if so what information was recorded and why?
• Evaluate the task taking into consideration what was good about the experience and what
did not go so well both from your perspective and also the patient’s/client’s perspective.
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Specific Guidelines:
1. Your skill reports must be written in first person and past tense, they are based on actual
events that took place in the care setting.
2. In your reports, it is important to emphasize good client care, addressing how the client’s privacy, dignity, independence, empathy, respect, and positive self-image were promoted and maintained during the skills.
3. Ensure reports are structured using the headings above
4. Reports do not require research information or supportive references.
Assignment (1)
Write a comprehensive discussion on a chosen client with a specific illness/disability within the care setting. Your assignment will be assessed on the following:
• Comprehensive description of client’s needs {5 Marks}
• Accurate identification of assistance required {5 Marks}
• Clear recommendations on an effective course of action to better meet the client’s needs
{5 Marks}
• Evidence of reflection as a result of 6 weeks work experience {5 Marks}
Write your assignments in third person. Each assignment must be referenced with relevant material.
Word count per assignment: 1200 – 1500 words +/- 10%
All words in the body of the assignment are included in the word count. An assignment greater than 10% over the word limit will incur a penalty deduction of 10% from the grade awarded. This will also apply to re-submitted assignments.
Please note: the following are not included in your word count:
• Contents page
• Title page
• Bibliography/reference list
• Appendices.
Structure /Headings for your assignments:
In this section, introduce your client [not real name], and the care setting. Provide an overview of the specific care topic you are going to discuss, supporting same with research, illustrating
understanding of illness /disability.
Client’s Needs:
In this section, I discuss the following in relation to your client, and state how you identified /assessed the client’s needs. Refer to activities of daily living:
• Physical needs
• Emotional needs
• Social needs
• Rehabilitation and Recreational Needs
• Intellectual needs
• Spiritual needs.
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Level of Assistance Required:
In this section, discuss the following interventions in relation to your client and show understanding of interventions/assistances required and rationale, refer to clients care plan and activities of living.
• Practical skills
• Communication needs
• Mechanical aids — if appropriate.
Role of Healthcare Assistant:
In this section, outline your role in promoting the following for your client:
• Clients’ privacy and dignity
• Independence/autonomy
• Self-esteem
• Clients safety
• Confidentiality.
In this section you are required to reflect on the knowledge gained, analyse the outcome for the client and demonstrate understanding of the care delivered and the rationale for same.
Assignment (2)
Write a comprehensive discussion on the needs of a person who is at risk of developing a pressure ulcer. Your assignment will be assessed on the following:
• Comprehensive description of client’s needs. {5 %}
• Accurate identification of assistance required. {5 %}
• Clear recommendations on an effective course of action to better
meet client’s needs. {5 %}
• Evidence of reflection as a result of 6 weeks work experience. {5 %}
Write your assignment in third party. The assignment must be referenced with relevant material.
Word count: 1200 – 1500 words +/- 10%
All words in the body of the assignment are included in the word count. An assignment greater than 10% over the word limit will incur a penalty deduction of 10% from the grade awarded. This will also apply to re-submitted assignments.
– Contents page
– Title page
– Bibliography/reference list
– Appendices
Guidelines for structure of your assignment:
In this section you should Illustrate an understanding of Pressure ulcers and support with relevant research. {Definition, causes, grades of pressure ulcers}
Client’s Needs:
In this section, discuss how you would identify /assess a person’s needs with or at risk of developing a Pressure Ulcer. Refer to relevant activities of daily living:
• Healthcare needs {in relation to their medical needs}
• Physical needs {hygiene, skin care, eating and drinking, mobility, toileting, positioning etc.}
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• Assessment tools {Waterlow, Falls Assessment tools, Barthel Index, Pain assessment tools,
SKINNS Bundle etc..
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Level of Assistance Required:
In this section, discuss the following interventions in relation to your client and show understanding of interventions/assistances required and rationale, refer to client’s care plan and activities of living.
Address the following points:
• Assistance given with relevant Activities of living
• Maintaining a safe environment
• Communication needs
• Required Mechanical aids, pressure relieving devices, and manual handling techniques
In this section, outline your role in promoting quality care for the client and identify interventions that will contribute to an enhanced quality of life for the client:
• Recommended care practices/alternative care measures to prevent development of
pressure sores
• Importance of reporting changes in clients’ condition to supervisor/nurse in charge
In this section, you are required to reflect on the knowledge gained, analyse the outcome for the client and demonstrate understanding of the care delivered and the rationale for same.