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5N2107 Illegal Drugs and Crime: Impact, Risks, and Legal Consequences – Essay

University Cork College of FET
Subject 5N2107 Criminology

Assessment Brief

Learner Guidelines:

To complete this assessment, you will need to complete all tasks as indicated below.

You should create an information document, including pictures, for secondary school students in relation to illegal drugs and the dangers drug-taking poses to both the individual, their family and the community. It should be entitled Illegal Drugs and Crime and include the following:

  1. Types of drugs and their common names
  2. Active ingredients, addiction levels and health effects
  3. Methods of use
  4. Effects of drug taking upon family, the community and society
  5. Drugs and driving
  6. Drugs and organised crime
  7. Penalties associated with drug crime
  8. Community initiatives
  9. Social services
  10. Law enforcement agencies
  11. Conclusion – including advice to young people on the dangers of drug use.

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Please note:

  • This assignment should be presented in the form of an information booklet, including pictures.
  • Use tenorite font, 12 pts, 1.5 line spacing, with justified text.
  • OSOLA referencing should be used throughout.

Assessment Criteria

Criteria Maximum Mark
1. Types of drugs and their common names 2
2. Active ingredients, addiction levels and health effects 2
3. Methods of use 2
4. Effects of drug taking upon family, the community and society 2
5. Drugs and driving 3
6. Drugs and organised crime 3
7. Penalties associated with drug crime 2
8. Community initiatives 2.5
9. Social services 2.5
10. Law enforcement agencies 3
Additional Assessment Criteria:
• Relevant information should be appropriately presented. 1
• Understanding and knowledge of the topic chosen should be clearly demonstrated. 1
• Relevant data and statistics support the topic. 1
• A comprehensive conclusion is completed. 1
• Good attempt at OSCOLA referencing. 2
Overall Total 30 Marks

Note: All grades/marks are provisional and may change during the results approval processes

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