5N2006: Explore The Functions Of Food Specifying The Different Classes Of Nutrients And Their Main Functions: Nutrition Assignment, TUD, Ireland
University | Technological University Dublin (TUD) |
Subject | 5N2006: Nutrition |
Learning Outcomes:
- Explore the functions of food, specifying the different classes of nutrients and their main functions.
- Examine the energy values of the different food types and the factors that affect the energy requirement of an individual.
- Examine basal metabolic rate (BMR) and reference nutrient intake (RNI) and the factors that can alter BMR
- Examine the role of each type of fat (monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and saturated) and fatty acids in relation to Health and the effects of the deficiency and excess intake of fat
- Examine the functions, sources, deficiency symptoms, and the effects of excessive intake of the fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins
- Examine the functions, sources, and deficiency symptoms of minerals, including Fe, Ca, I, P, Na, Zn
- Distinguish between essential and non-essential amino acids
- Compare the protein content of foods derived from plants and animals
- Specify the labeling of food products in accordance with EU Regulations
- Test foods for the presence of fat, carbohydrates, and proteins
- Interpret the nutrition labels on a variety of food products.
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