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QQ Level 5- 5N1786-Special Needs Assisting-Assessment Brife-Pack A

University The Open College (OC)
Subject 5N1786 Special needs assistant Homework

Assessment Cover Sheet – Learner Declaration

Course Title:  5N1786 – Special Needs Assisting
Event ID:
Title of Assignment: Learner Record – 40%
Course Completion Date:
Submission Deadline Date:
Trainer Name:
Learner Name:
Your Contact ID:
Learner Email:


I declare that (Please tick each box and sign below)

❏     I have uploaded feedback on the course by completing the reaction form.

❏     I have uploaded the assessment brief with my submission.

❏     I have kept copies of my portfolio of evidence.

❏     All information contained in this portfolio is my own work except for that which is referenced, and I acknowledge that plagiarism will result in disqualification.

❏     Where practical skills demonstration applies as part of my assessment, I understand that this is documented by me and the video evidence submitted herein.

❏     I have been funded to complete this course or I have paid in Full. I understand that my submission will not be processed until my account is clear.

❏     If funded, I have fully completed and signed the documentation relating to the funding body (TESG POBAL etc.) and this documentation has been returned to Forus Training

❏     I have not included recognisable photos of children or vulnerable adults within my learner evidence and used pseudonyms or anonymised subjects about whom I have written

❏     I understand that my learner evidence will not be returned to me.


Learner Name:
Learner Signature: Date:


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Title: Learner Record

This learner record offers the learner the opportunity to further explore topics relevant to this module. Learners must produce 8 Learner Records.

Organise your submission under the following headings.

Learner Record 1 Learners should demonstrate their understanding of the following:

●        Review and explanation of the relevant legislation regarding the rights of individuals with disabilities to include:

○        The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (2 marks)

○        The EPSEN Act (2 marks)

○        Reflection (1 mark)


Learner Record 2 ●        Review and explanation of the relevant legislation regarding the rights of individuals with disabilities to include:

○        The Disability Act (2 marks)

○        The Equal Status Act (2 marks)

○        Reflection (1 mark)


Learner Record  3 ●        Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the Special Needs Assistant:

○        Roles (2 marks)

○        Responsibilities (2 marks)

○        Reflection (1 mark)


Learner Record 4 ●        Examine the qualities and skills required when working with children with disabilities:

○        Qualities (2 marks)

○        Skills (2 marks)

○        Reflection (1 mark)

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Learner Record 5 ●        Consider how relationships with other stakeholders were created and maintained:

○        Relationships with stakeholders (2 marks)

○        Working under the direction of the teacher (2 marks)

○        Reflection (1 mark)


Learner Record 6 ●        Discuss how you promote the rights of children with disabilities in relation to:

○        Autonomy (2 marks)

○        Supporting decision making (2 marks)

○        Reflection (1 mark)


Learner Record 7 ●        Discuss how you promote the rights of children with disabilities in relation to:

○        Participation (2 marks)

○        Inclusion (2 marks)

○        Reflection (1 mark)


Learner Record 8 ●        Personally reflect on:

○        How your attitude has changed during this course (2 marks)

○        Your own learning while working with children or through this course (3 marks)

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