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5N1786: Ben is 6 years old His School was Concerned Because he Was not Able to Focus on Class Instruction and Tasks: Special Needs Assisting Case Study, DCU, Ireland

University Dublin City University (DCU)
Subject 5N1786: Special Needs Assisting

Component Title and Code: SpecialNeedsAssisting (5N1786)

Level:  QQI Level 5

Assessment Activity Description and Instructions to Learner:

Learners are required to complete two Case Studies tasks.  Los 5-10

The case study tasks that must be completed, include:

  1. A paired reading activity with the child described in the Case Study.
  2. A communication activity with the child in the Case Study. (Activitytwo is to be a care routine such as feeding, toileting, general hygiene or dressing)

Case Study 1

Ben is 6 years old. His school was concerned because he was not able to focus on class instruction and tasks. Ben was not attaining despite having an above-average IQ and language ability. Ben has since been diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Ben has problems with writing and becomes very frustrated if he makes mistakes. He is not interested in making friends and seems to be “in his own world‟. Parents report that Ben becomes frustrated if things are not right and that he has an insistence on perfectionism and routine. He has a focus of interest on any story relating to animals. His health within the classroom is good and he is rarely absent due to illness.


Provide a brief introduction to the paired reading activity.

section one:

  1. Provide a brief background of the child which will include:
  • Age and gender of the child
  • Describedisability/special need.
  • Mood-motivation of the child to complete the task.
  • General health in class
  • Ability to complete the task.

Section 2:

  1. Type of book that you would use for paired reading activity.

Why will you use the type of book that you have chosen?

Discuss the importance of

  • Collaboration with the child and the teacher
  • Appropriateness of book i.e. pictures & text, graphics
  • Suited to ability, simple, repetitive, stage appropriate.
  • Follows child’s interests and choices.
  • Assistive technology

Section 1 & 2: 

Section 3:

  1. Factors you would consider before carrying out the paired reading activity.
  • Collaboration
  • Level of the child
  • Supporting the curriculum
  • Positive support and interaction from the adult
  • Learning outcomes for the child

Section 4:

  1. Benefits of paired reading for that particular child in relation to:

The child’s disability and gaining proficiency

  • Enjoyment and knowledge of the subject
  • Benefits for – Physical, Social, Emotional, Language, Intellectual

Section 3& 4: 

Section 5 : 

  1. Other factors to be considered during activity (health & safety, assistive technology, etc.)
  • Safety/hygiene of equipment i.e. book, technology
  • Environment – seating, space, noise, lighting, comfort
  • Familiarising self for activity

Section 6 :

  1. Reflection on the task in a hypothetical sense
  • Describe what you did in the reading activity in full
  • What did you learn about the child?
  • What did you learn about self – SNA role & skills
  • Importance of paired reading,
  • The importance of promoting independence

Case Study2

Kate has severe verbal dyspraxia (i.e., difficulty in making and coordinating the precise movements required to produce clear speech). She is 4 years old was referred to the local Speech and Language Therapy Service when she was two years old. Kate’s indistinct speech makes her unwilling to interact with other people and this was a huge concern to her family.

Kate’s parents made the decision to enrol her into the local mainstream school this year which has an ASD classroom attached. She is getting additional support through one-to-one time with her Speech and Language Therapist and the Special Needs Assistant. Her progress is slow, but Kate’s parents have seen a huge change in her behaviour and willingness to engage with other people. Her general health in class is ok, but she has missed a few weeks this term due to a recurring ear infection.


Provide a short introduction to the chosen care routine.

Section 1:

A brief background of the child will include age, sex and particular disability, mood, current health.

  • Age and gender
  • Describes particular disability/special need
  • Mood-motivation of the child to complete the task
  • General health in class
  • Ability to complete the task

Section 2:

Type of strategy that candidate would use to communicate with the child. (Define the different strategies below that could be used)

Use of non-verbal body language signals and signs

Use of visuals with language and signs

Use of assistive technology

Use of sign language

Clearly identify which one you will use

Section 1 & 2:

Section 3:

Reason for a particular choice of strategy (How and why will it help the child?)

Give justification why this was the best strategy to use for the child

Define the benefits of using this strategy for this child how it will aid communication

Section 4:

Factors you would consider in communicating with the child

  • Collaboration with teacher understanding child
  • Best Practice in using good communication skills
  • Comprehension of what is being said
  • Where communication took place

Section 3 & 4: 

Section 5:

Other factors to be considered during the care routine (health & safety, assistive technology, age of child etc.)

  • Age and Ability according to special need
  • Safety and hygiene of child in the care routine
  • Preparation beforehand, familiarising self for activity, knowledge on communication
  • Outline if assistive technology could have been used to help the communication

Section 6:

Reflection on Skills Demonstration in a hypothetical sense

  • Describe what you did in the activity in full
  • What did you learn about the child?
  • What did you learn about self – SNA role & skills
  • Importance of communication
  • The importance of promoting independence
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