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5N1786: A Key Role Of The SNA Is To Assist Children With Their Self-Care Needs: Special Needs Assisting Assignment, OU, Ireland

University The Open University (OU)
Subject 5N1786: Special Needs Assisting

1. Relating Skills

A key role of the SNA is to assist children with their self-care needs and communication difficulties.

To relate effectively and appropriately to children who present with these needs, the SNA must have a good understanding of the child’s condition.

a) Drawing on your placement experience, present a case study of a child you have worked with who has care support needs and/or communication difficulties. Or, if you are unable to attend placement at this time due to school closures.

b) Drawing on your course learning, present a case study based on a fictitious child who has care support needs and/or communication difficulties.

c) Define the child’s condition and its associated characteristics.

d) Outline your understanding of Non-Verbal Communication skills and Active Listening techniques referring to the importance of these skills to the work of an effective SNA. Describe how you practiced or intend to practice these skills when supporting the child mentioned in your case study.

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2. Practical Skills

a. You are required to demonstrate the SNA role in the preparation and implementation of one of the evidence-based approaches below to support the child – mentioned in the case study – in developing their independence with a self-care skill (e.g., toileting, general hygiene, dressing or feeding)
➢ Social Story

➢ Visual Task Analysis and Chaining

➢ Positive Reinforcement

b. you are required to assist in the preparation and implementation of one of the evidence-based augmentative and alternative communication approaches below to support the child – mentioned in the case study – with severe communication difficulties.

➢ Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

➢ Lámh Sign Language

➢ Assistive Technology

3. Interpersonal Skills:

SNAs must possess good interpersonal skills to maintain appropriate and professional relationships with members of the multidisciplinary team (MDT) while supporting children to develop independence with their self-care and communication skills. The SNA will often work as part of the MDT to develop a child’s Personal Pupil Plan (PPP).

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➢ Discuss your understanding of the role of the SNA as part of a school Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) including the SNA role in the preparation and implementation of the Personal Pupil Plan (PPP).

➢ Describe the interpersonal skills you demonstrated as part of the MDT in your placement setting. *Note, if you are unable to complete the placement element due to school closures, you may describe the interpersonal skills that are important to the work of an effective SNA.

➢ Develop and present an example of a Personal Pupil Plan for the child mentioned in your case study.

4. Good Practice Skills:

To work in a safe and professional manner and to ensure the rights of children are respected, the SNA must uphold key principles of good practice. Discuss the importance of the five key guiding principles below giving examples of how an SNA can incorporate these principles in their role.

➢ Independence – to include a discussion on supporting skills while avoiding over-helping children.

➢ Inclusion – to include a discussion on the benefits of and barriers to inclusive education.

➢ Children’s Rights – to include the key principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).

➢ Confidentiality – to include SNA compliance with data protection and GDPR.

➢ Child Protection – to include the key principles of the Children First Act 2015 and Children First Guidance 2017.

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