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5N1358: File Management; Download the Zipped Folder from Moodle: Word Processing Assignment, BCFE,

University Ballsbridge College of Further Education (BCFE)
Subject 5N1358: Word Processing

Title: Word Processing End of Year Assignment in lieu of examination

Word Processing Assignment for File Management

1. Download the zipped folder from Moodle and unzip it.

2. Create a new folder and name it File Mgt Your login number initials and class (e.g. File Mgt BBCFE123 JB AUC) and move the downloaded folder into it

3. Open a new Word document and save it into the new folder as Your Login Screenshots (e.g. BBCFE123 Screen Shots)

4. Arrange the files and folders of WP 5N1358 May 2020 in Details View and order according to size, highlight the largest file and showing Name Size and Date Modified, take a screenshot /screen print of the folder and paste it into your Screen Shot word document

5. Rename one of the folders in WP 5N1358 May 2020 to Your login in the downloaded folder and move another folder into it take a screenshot showing this and paste it into the Screen Shots document, please also type in the original name of the folder that you renamed – failure to do this will result in no marks being awarded

6. Copy a file from another folder into the renamed folder – type the name of the file you have copied into  your Screenshot document – failure to do this will result in no marks being awarded

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7. Rename any file to your Login no. in the renamed folder, take a screenshot and paste it into your document and type the original name of the file you have renamed into your Screenshot document

8. Take a screenshot of the contents of your renamed folder showing the files and folders in Small Icons view and paste it into your Screen Shot document

9. Find out the number of Files and Folders contained in the WP 5N1358 May 2020 folder and take a screenshot of your result and paste it into your Screen Shot document

10. Find out how many word documents (.doc) are contained in the WP5N1358 May 2020 folder

11. Find out how many documents containing the word Work in their name or contents are in the WP5N1358 May 2020 folder and take a screenshot/screen print of your result

12. Take a screenshot of how you would print 1 page only of a multiple page document (2 methods – 2 screenshots) and paste into your Screenshot document

13. Save your Screenshots document

14. Save it again, this time as a PDF document 1 mark

15. Close all documents

16. Change the attribute of your Screenshots Word document to Read-only

17. Include the File Mgt Your Login folder

Tables and Template Assignment

Create a folder called Tables and Template and your initials and class and save all the documents for this assignment in the folder

Brochure Assignment

Create a 2 column, a 2-page brochure on any subject of your choice; You can choose any subject at all, and you can take text from the internet as your content.

Possible subjects for your brochure:

  1. A place of historical interest
  2. A brochure for a hotel or guesthouse
  3. An information leaflet: could be on a health condition, animal care, child care, safety at work,
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