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5N1356: Work experience in health care assistant , Assignment, OC, Ireland

University The Open College (OC)
Subject 5N1356: Work experience in health care assistant


A portfolio/collection of work will be written over a period of time in relation to your experiences & involvement on your work placement in a Healthcare Setting in the form of a Work Experience Folder and Diary.

Section 1: Job Description 

Write an Introduction / Description of the healthcare setting where you are completing your Work Experience. Include details on:

  • How long the organisation has been in existence – a detailed history, including location,
    type of organisation, how it is funded.
  •  Size of overall setting, Number of staff and skill mix – Managers to Healthcare assistants.
  •  Provide an Organisational Chart of Management and Staff.
  • Service user / Client profile {who the organisation caters for} and services provided.
  • The culture of organisation {mission statement, leadership styles, staff morale, support
    given to staff}
  •  Write about your role as a Healthcare Assistant – include details on what the position of HCA entails.

Section 2: Daily Diary Entries 

Construct a Diary Entries for 8 of the days you are on placement in your Healthcare Setting.
Select any 8 days out of your total amount of days worked (150 hours’ minimum).
The word count for EACH Diary should not exceed 700 words for Each Diary (+/-10%).
You may refer to the additional supporting Diary Template that is included with your module pack.
Ensure the 8 Days chosen are interesting and include details of the following 5 areas below:

  1. Describe your immediate Setting, description of the actual department/ward, client/service user profile, number of clients/service users in your care on specified day.
  2.  Include a Routine: Arrival Times, Assigned tasks, Involvement in implementing Activities, Participation in assisting clients/ service users with activities of daily living, provide/draw a clear timetable in each diary for each day (there should be some variation from the standard routine plan on a day to day basis.)
  3.  Discuss assigned tasks carried out e.g. assisting client/service users with personal care,
    toileting, mobility, feeding
  4.  Highlight/Discuss Communication with all Stakeholders – Clients/Service users, familiy and Staff.
  5. Identify Challenges/Rewarding situations which may have arisen – issues and challenges
    encountered by you during your Work Experience Hours.

Your total hours worked should accumulate to 150 hours, so this will entail more than 8 days but again choose 8 busy, varied and interesting days.

Section 3: Reflection / Evaluation 

  • Give details of New Learning that has occurred over your work placement.
  •  Did you face any Challenges on your work placement? Give details of how you faced this challenge and resolved the situation.
  • What Positive Experiences did you encounter as part of your work placement?
  •  Describe what would you do differently for a future Work Experience placement?
  •  Include an up to date Copy of your Curriculum Vitae with a Sample Application Letter.
  • Provide evidence of research for future possible Career Paths and future possible related

Research Job Advertisements and provide an actual researched example of a Healthcare Assistant Advertisement.
Research further Education courses relating to Healthcare and provide examples of
ptions available to continue studies after QQI Level 5 Course is complete.

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