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5N1279: Introduce Assignment Briefly Giving Details Of The Theory You Will Use To Conduct A Needs Assessmen: Human Growth And Development Assignment, OCFE, Ireland

University Ormonde College Of Further Education (OCFE)
Subject 5N1279 Human Growth & Development

Assessment Activity Description and Instructions to Learner:

Maximum Available Mark In order to complete this assignment, you will need to complete all tasks indicated below.

1. Introduce assignment briefly giving details of the theory you will use to conduct a needs assessment e.g. Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs, Mention some of the Psychological theory which might be referred to in your piece e.g Erikson’s psychosocial theory, Schaie’s cognitive theory, the importance of attachment to psychosocial functioning and relationships, addictions, etc.

2. Identify the needs which are being met in the care situation and explain why this is the case showing relevant referenced theory to support (5 x 2)

3. Identify the needs that are not being met explain why this is the case showing relevant referenced theory to support.

4. Detail the interpersonal skills that are required to meet the client’s needs.

5. Description of the interpersonal skills needed

6. How and why these skills are necessary to meet the client’s needs

7. Give a detailed description of appropriate strategies, which could be followed to meet the client’s needs. Refer to Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory.

Strategies for the individual – min 5 relevant strategies supported by relevant referenced theory

Family-based responses – min 5 relevant strategies supported by relevant referenced theory

Community-based support– min 5 relevant strategies supported by relevant referenced theory

Government-funded supports based– min 5 relevant strategies supported by relevant referenced theory

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Case Study

Andy is a 40-year-old man who drinks too much and then experiences anxiety and depression. He has just completed an alcohol detox program for his drinking and has gone home. His alcohol abuse was triggered by problems at work. In the past, he was a successful businessman who provided technical services to businesses. He had got on well at college but often thought that if he had put in a real effort in his college work he could have achieved a lot more. He worked hard at developing his business and had 14 people working for him. Four years ago his business started to decline and he had to close his company.  He had become unwell but tried to carry on but his mind was not on the business.  This hit him very hard as he had a wife and 3 dependent children. Initially, they really struggled financially as he was not able to claim any social welfare.  He got a number of jobs after this but he seemed to run into “problems with attendance” which resulted in him switching companies every year or two.

He lost his most recent job six months ago and this is the longest he has been without a job.  He had always taken a drink while socializing but in the last few years, he is now drinking at home.  He played indoor soccer with a few work colleagues after work but in recent times he has lost interest in all activities and in socializing with his friends. Nowadays, he rarely surfaces from bed before 12.   At this stage, the house is quiet with his wife went to work and the children have gone to school.  Before his admission into detox, he stayed up watching sport on TV and drinking most nights.  He brings his sons to rugby and his daughter to basketball. He cooks the dinner before the children and his wife get home.  He starts his drinking with a bottle of wine which is opened around dinner time and offered to his wife, though she rarely partakes.

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He attends a doctor because of his symptoms of depression and anxiety he was placed on anti-depressant medication, which was increased over the first month until he felt better.  His depressive symptoms are worse when he drinks.  He has tried to give up the drink but he always ends up back on it.  He began weekly psychotherapy to get at the root of his problems with alcohol. In the course of therapy, it was revealed that when he was thirteen years old, and his father, with whom he had enjoyed a close relationship, became distant and less involved. His father had begun drinking more and lost his job.  This caused rows at home between his parents and his relationship with his father deteriorated. His father was also diagnosed with depression.   His mother excessively doted on him, partly because she worried about her son and she tried to make him feel “special.”  His mother and father’s relationship deteriorated and they fought a lot.  He felt afraid as his father became very angry and depressed after he drank.  His mother was very frustrated by his drinking and struggled to keep the bills paid. The mother, fearing loneliness, put up with these behaviors by her husband and didn’t protect her son from his anger, criticism, and humiliating style of treating them.

As these memories emerged during the course of therapy, Andy expressed great feelings of anger toward his father for how he treated the family, and toward his mother for allowing the behavior to continue. His anger gave way to sadness.  An important part of the work was that he began, with support from his psychiatrist, to directly work on his relationships with both of his parents. His father has since given up alcohol.

Andy lives in fear of becoming his father.  He worries about his wife and children and the effects his depression and drinking have had on them. His wife has had to go out to work to try to keep the bills paid.  The children aged 12, 10, and 9 are getting more aware of his situation.  He adores his children and they love him.  He spends time with them and they have fun with their Dad. They like having their Dad around for them during the day but they have noticed a change in him.  They don’t like his drinking as they see a difference in him the next day. His wife has threatened to leave him and bring the children if he doesn’t give up the alcohol.  He thought if he could reduce his drinking and it will be ok.  He doesn’t want to lose his family.

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