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5N0758: Mr. James Brown a 75-year-old was Admitted into the Nursing Home in January 2020: Care Support Assignment, OU

University The Open University (OU)
Subject 5N0758: Care Support

Assignment Details:

You are required to write a comprehensive discussion on the planning, implementation, and evaluation of a practical activity within the care setting. The activity can be an indoor or outdoor social activity

  • Effective planning of the activity
  • A comprehensive description of how the activity was carried out
  • Critical evaluation of the impact of the activity

Instructions: For your assignment, you can:

1. Choose one of the case study profiles below to complete the assignment and follow the guidelines provided to complete the same. The below case studies are a brief overview of a client and you are free to interpret and expand upon the client’s history, background if you wish.


2. Complete the assessment on a service user you have cared for during work placement or family member relative you have cared for in the home, whereby you have been involved in assisting them with a recreational/therapeutic activity.

Case Study One

Mr. James Brown a 75-year-old was admitted into the nursing home in January 2020. Previous to this Mr. Brown was in St Vincent’s hospital following a stroke where he spent six months. Following the stroke, Mr. Brown now uses a rollator. He has no difficulties transferring himself and needs no assistance. He is partially paralyzed on the left side of his body, and sometimes his speech is a little slurred. Mr. Brown’s wife and son visit every few days. Prior to his retirement Mr. Brown worked in Dublin Dockyards and had a keen interest in swimming, hill walking, and crossword puzzles.

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Case Study Two

Mrs. Alice Jones is 81 years old and was admitted to the residential home in 2019 from her home where she lived with her husband. Unfortunately, Alice’s care needs could not be met at home due to her dementia. Alice was diagnosed with dementia in 2016, she is forgetful and has a history of wandering and this increases her vulnerability. This cognitive decline also impacts on her physical and social ability as she requires support to maintain her daily activities of living. This includes personal care, nutrition, safety, mobility, and guidance.

Case Study Three

Mary Walsh is 74 years of age, she is a widow of ten years, she has one daughter and one son, her son resides in Australia. Mary is currently residing in a nursing home and she has been diagnosed with dementia and is in the early stages. As an effect, Mary suffers from short term memory loss. Mary also has restricted mobility as a result of a fall two years ago and suffered a fractured hip. Mary’s physical ability all though restricted is quite good. Mary uses a rollator for short to medium distance and a wheelchair for long-distance or when going out, she has full mobility with her upper body and regularly attends physiotherapy.

Case Study Four

Annie Smith is an 84-year-old lady who still very much enjoys the activities of daily living. Annie has a cognitive impairment and mobilizes with the aid of a rollator, she also has arthritis and wears a hearing aid in her right ear. Annie has a regular diet and fluids and has a good appetite. Annie takes a lot of pride in her appearance and likes to wear nice clothes and to have her hair done. Annie is a widow; she has no children but has led a very full and active life and was very engaged in social activities throughout her life. Annie lived on her own for a number of years upon the death of her husband and attended a day center which she enjoyed greatly. It was noticed by the staff in the day center and her home care team that Annie was becoming more forgetful and confused and was leaving her home and forgetting how to return. The difficulty in maintaining her safety in the home was one of the main reasons that Annie entered the nursing home.

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