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4N1116: Describe the Essential Elements of a Good Filing System, to Include the Advantages: General Office Skills Assignment, OU

University The Open University (OU)
Subject 4N1116: General Office Skills

Part 1 Task Overview:

Describe the essential elements of a good filing system, to include the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen methods of classification.

Filing systems come in many shapes and varieties, but a number of features are common across systems and can be considered essential elements of a good filing system;

Question 1: In your own words, describe the following elements of a good filing system:

  • Accessibility
  • Location
  • Security
  • Flexibility

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Question Two Overview:

In a general office environment, there are many ways of classifying information to ensure an efficient and effective filing system.  Elements include both direct and indirect systems and can be further differentiated by such systems as Alphabetical, Numerical, Geographical, etc.

Scenario: You work for Hammy & Stern, a small law firm in Kildare Town.  The filing system used is an alphabetical system, which is further sub-divided into categories, such as Clients, Suppliers, Finance, etc.  The office deals with a variety of clients but mainly concentrates on Family Law and Consumer Rights.  There are a total of three partners, two admin staff (full-time), and a cleaner (part-time).  The firm has an arrangement with a local security group, who are responsible for opening and closing the premises.

  • Using the above scenario as a point of reference, outline relevant elements of their filing system, with the focus on the rules associated with alphabetical filing, and describe, using examples if necessary, how the filing rules are applied on a daily basis. Your answer, while broad in focus, should address appropriate type of classification as well as sorting, etc.
  • Small offices such as Hammy & Stern use a variety of storage facilities, such as cabinets, etc. to store files. Again using the above scenario as a point of reference, what type of cabinet/storage facilitates would you consider appropriate in this type of office. Please expand your answer by giving examples of the type of documents stored, the physical layout of the storage medium, etc.

Question Three: List the advantages/disadvantages of

a) an Alphabetical filing system and

b) a Numeric type filing system; give a minimum of two distinct advantages/disadvantages for each method, and use relevant examples to illustrate your answers.

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