You are Returning to Work Following the Outbreak of a Major Virus Which Left Die: Infection Prevention and Control Assignment, RCSI
University | Royal College of Surgeons (RCSI) |
Subject | Infection Prevention and Control |
Assignment Instructions
You are returning to work following the outbreak of a major virus which left die the whole world in chaos. You are an employee in a service industry dealing with the public on an ongoing basis. As a necessary element of employers return to work protocol you are now required to demonstrate your knowledge of infection prevention and controls.
For the duration of the course, you are required to keep a leamer record. In this record, you will show your understanding and reflect on what you have learned regarding the following 3 specific topics of the course — the role and functions of the local infection control teams specific to your workplace, blood-borne viruses, and the role of antibiotics.
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The learner record should show evidence of your understanding of the 3 topics but should also include evidence of reflection and application to the workplace.
This record is divided into three specific topics:
1. Discuss the role and functions of the in-house infection control team members, to include
- local policy i.e. specific to the workplace including public health recommendations in relation to dress to include uniforms and the use of PPE.
- staff health policies relating to how the staff is protected by their employers and what the staff responsibilities in relation to reporting illness to relevant personnel.
- travel-associated infections including overseas visitors.
2. A. Identify the main blood-borne viruses which pose a threat.
B. Identify methods that prevent the spread of infections paying specific attention to
- hand hygiene
- respiratory etiquette and
- physical distancing
and their role in restricting the spread of such viruses now and in the future.
3. Examine the role of antibiotics and the importance of correct and safe antibiotics use to avoid antibiotic resistance.
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