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Inform the Reader About the High Levels of Diversity in Europe Generally: European History Assignment, UCD

University University College Dublin (UCD)
Subject European History


Inform the reader about the high levels of diversity in Europe generally – provide a succinct overview of the entire continent. Provide the reader with a road-map of how you intend to focus on three countries and how overall these are more alike or more different, and why they make for interesting choices when undertaking this project.

Inform the reader about the high levels of diversity in Europe generally

Geography, Demographics, Language and Geostrategic Positions

Where is the country located? How big is its population? Breakdown of that population – gender, age, occupation, distribution, religion. What are the key physical features? Climate? Level of urbanization? Key urban centers? Languages?

1. Ireland
2. Country Choice 2
3. Country Choice 3

Compare as you go
Insert images – Maps with correct references.

Socio-Economic Profiles

What are the core industries, services, sectors in different countries? Are there similarities? Reliance on foreign direct investment? Unemployment levels? Impact of recession? Average earnings? Terms and conditions (minimum wage, a living wage, etc.), Right to collective bargaining? Trade Unions and/or social partnership? Inequality in Poverty rates? Welfare systems?

Images of graphs could be helpful here, referenced correctly.

1. Ireland
2. Country Choice 2
3. Country Choice 3

Compare as you go

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Education and Health

How are the education systems structured? E.G. Baccalaureate or Leaving Cert, how many years in secondary schools or second-level schools? Training? Apprenticeships? How high up OECD rankings? Major health issues? How is a system organized E.G. free at the point of entry?

Graphs here could be useful, referenced.

1. Ireland
2. Country Choice 2
3. Country Choice 3

Compare as you go

Cultures – Traditional and Popular

Images of cultural traditions could be useful here, referenced.

What are the developments of this over time? What are the aspects of culture that are unique to each country? Are there any shared? Popular culture? Rules on the preservation of cultural heritage E.G. quotas on the representation of minorities, language benefits.

1. Ireland
2. Country Choice 2
3. Country Choice 3

Compare as you go

Politics and Political Institutions

Images could be useful here, referenced.

How is a democracy organized E.G. two Houses of Parliament? Free press? Rights set out in Constitution? Electoral system (E.G. First past the post or PRSTV or List system?)

1. Ireland
2. Country Choice 2
3. Country Choice 3

Compare as you go

Transport and Communication

Do all roads or networks radiate from a particular center? What is the main mode of transportation? How is public transport organized? Broadband access in schools and rural areas? New infrastructure planned?

1. Ireland
2. Country Choice 2
3. Country Choice 3

Compare as you go

Environmental Context

Are there particular challenges faced in this country. E.G. flooding risks, unpredictable events, earthquakes, or other seismic activity? Pollution concerns?

Violations of international treaties or EU directives? Position of State at the Climate Change talks?

Graphs could be useful here, referenced.

1. Ireland
2. Country Choice 2
3. Country Choice 3

Compare as you go

Life in these Countries

Graphs could be useful here, referenced.

What is the lived experience of citizens in these States? Cost of living? Access to housing? Quality of Life? Human Rights? Minority rights (how are ethnic minorities treated) Racism? Happiness index?

1. Ireland
2. Country Choice 2
3. Country Choice 3

Compare as you go

Impact of the EU

What is the perceived and real impact of the EU of each State, including the non-member States (E.G. association agreements, the promise of membership, rejection of membership in referenda)? Differentiated membership of different aspects of the EU E.G. Finland is non-aligned so it is in Schengen (the free movement area) but not in any military alliance (e.g. NATO).

1. Ireland
2. Country Choice 2
3. Country Choice 3

Compare as you go


Having considered the differences and similarities between these countries, what can you conclude in terms of systems in each for managing challenges (e.g. heath, welfare, transport) cultural sensitivities or unique selling points, challenges for the future? Are these countries more similar than different? How? Why? With what consequence? Think of current issues: Brexit/ Global Pandemic/ Environment/ Migration, etc.

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