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Brief Background and Rationale for the Investigation Being Reported: Preventive Cardiology Assignment, NUI

University National University of Ireland (NUI)
Subject Preventive Cardiology


Brief background and rationale for the investigation being reported.

Aim of the assignment


  • Type of study
  • Sample size
  • Describe the inclusion & exclusion criteria
  • Describe all statistical methods used during the analysis
  • Explain how noncategorical variables were handled in the analyses.
  • Statistical software used
  • Level of significance


1) Indicate the number of participants

2) Describe the variables Gender, Smoker, Alcohol and Age display results on Table-1 Include a title, footnotes and table number

3) Report the prevalence of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

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4) Include two graphs; Include a title and figure number

(a) use the variable Ace Inhibitor (AceI Yes=1, No=2)

(b) Use the variables BMI(Kg/m2) & Calorie Intake (Yes=1, No=2)

5) Report the results of 2 chi-squares. Use the following variables

Is there a difference in the proportion of participants Diagnosed with Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) and Is calorie intake >2500 kcal/day for male and >2000 kcal/day for female (Calorie_Intake)

Is there a difference in the proportion of participants Diagnosed with Diabetes (Diabetes) and High Blood Pressure (HBP)

Write your interpretation of results under a table, including:

Sample size, Ho, Interpretation of the contingency table, the difference in proportions, what and where is the difference, name of the statistical test used [full name of the test, e.g. Pearson’s Chi-Square, Fisher’s Exact or Likelihood ratio] and why was the test used, interpretation of p-value, decision and conclusions

Discussion / Conclusions/ References:

Summarise key results with reference to study objectives. Discuss the limitations of the study Give an overall interpretation of the results considering objectives, limitations results from similar studies and other relevant evidence Include two references

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