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Map Out the Company’s Supply Chain for its Product: Supply Chain Management Report, ITC,

University Institute of Technology Carlow (ITC)
Subject Supply Chain Management (SCM)

Task Objective:

Write a report on the supply chain management of an organization to a senior management team.

Task Description:

Write a report for senior management which analyses supply chain management in an organization of your choice. Your report should be supported by the Supply Chain course notes and recommended readings and be written in the following format:

Executive Summary: In a single paragraph, summarise the contents of the entire report.

Introduction: Give a brief introduction to the company. Outline what topics you will cover and elements of theory or frameworks you will use in your analysis

Analysis: Using the theory in the module topics, analyze the case. You should not spend too many words describing the theory you use (referencing it is sufficient), but devote most of the effort to applying the theory to the information you have obtained about the case. Use the questions case questions to guide your analysis of the case – create subheadings from the questions given.

Discussion and Conclusions: What are the main findings in the case? What are your recommendations for the company?

Reflection: (max 1 page – do not include it in the word count) What are the important things you learned from the case that can be applied to the module topic? Identify the key learning points and what you learned from undertaking the assignment.

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The following questions may help your analysis

  • Map out the company’s supply chain for its product. What supply chain features provide the organization with unique selling points.
  • Identify what you consider to be the key advantages in how it manages its supply chain operations? Use data from the case to support your answer.
  • How can the company build on past success to face challenges in the future, and what are the implications for its supply chain?
  • What recommendations would you make to the company and why? Evaluate your recommendations
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