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Recovery From the Preservative of Adolescent Mental Health Service Users: Research Proposal, NUI,

University National University of Ireland (NUI)
Subject Nursing

Research Proposal on Recovery from the preservative of adolescent mental health service users

Chapter 1: Introduction & literature-based rationale, research question, aim and objectives of the study:

  1. Introduce the research topic context (practice, policy/regulation, health or social care need/problem.
  2. What is known about the topic/problem from the literature (summarise& critique the key studies that provide a rationale for the study? This section should succinctly inform the reader on what you reviewed, types of studies, key issues that emerged and clearly state the research gap.
  3. What is the overall single aim of the proposed study (fills the identified knowledge gap) and this must be stated in a single sentence: The aim of this study is to… A strong rationale for the research aim must be developed. For example; It is not sufficient to state that this is the first study on XXXX in Ireland. Instead, you need to identify a clear gap in knowledge that needs to be filled.
  4. Next state a number (3 or 4) research objectives (or questions)that will be used to meet or address the aim? They must be realistic, measurable and achievable over the proposed study time-period.
  5. Using the PICOT format, set out the main keywords and search terms that will be used in the search (supported by PICOT appendix). Provide a detailed rationale for your search strategy including the databases that you plan to search and the inclusion and exclusion criteria that will be used in the search, noting the potential strengths and limitations of inclusion and exclusion criteria used. Include your search strategy as an appendix.

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Chapter 2: Research Methodology:

  1. What research approach will best answer the research question/aim? (Qualitative or quantitative and provide a rationale.
  2. Consider your plan for saving your search history (supporting appendix) and a plan for saving your citations (e.g. using Mendeley). You are required to run your search strategy on one database and save a copy of your search history for that database as an appendix (Search History).
  3. What research methodology is appropriate? RTC? Survey, Phenomenology etc?
  4. Using this methodology – how will you design the study (ie. methods) e.g. survey, interviews, focus groups etc.
  5. What is your rationale for choosing the approach and design? Why will this approach and design answer your research question/aim?
  6. What is your target population /sample? What type of sampling will be used (probability or non-probability)? What is your sampling strategy? What is your proposed sample size? What are your inclusion and exclusion criteria? How will you access the research population/sample? (permission). Once you get permission to access how will you recruit participants into your study? how will you invite or advertise? Once people volunteer, will you then need to select only a certain number and how will you do this?
  7. How will you collect the data you need to answer the research question/aim? Are you utilising a tool/questionnaire/set of interview questions used in previous studies?
  8. Do you need to develop the tool/interview questions?
  9. Will you use a validated tool? (quantitative research) How will you seek permission to use the tool?
  10. What is your rationale for using the particular data collection tool?
  11. How will you ensure reliability, validity or rigour in your study? What tests /approaches are best suited to your study? Have the data collection tools/methods been tested in previous studies?
  12. Do you propose to pilot the study? How will you conduct this?
  13. What is your proposed process for data collection? How will you get the questionnaires out to the sample? Do you need gatekeepers? Where will you interview the research participants? How long will the interview last?
  14. How will you analyse the data? If you have chosen a quantitative design, then you will need to identify the statistical tests you intend to use & how this data will be presented. If you are proposing a qualitative study, then how will you analyse and present themes that emerge from the data.
  15. How you will ensure good research ethical conduct. Good ethical conduct needs to be considered right through from design to dissemination of findings. Particular attention needs to be given when researching vulnerable groups. How will you ensure anonymity and confidentiality? (digital recordings recording / use of codes) How will you obtain informed consent? Have you completed a risk assessment especially with vulnerable people? What is your plan if you identify a reportable issue? Will you need ethical approval from an Ethics committee? Are you adhering to the current standard for data protection?

Chapter 3: Significance and implications:

The proposal should indicate the significance or importance or impact of the research study How will the study contribute to knowledge, practice, education, policy development, or future research? Plan for dissemination of the work.

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