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Design a flyer (one page) to promote the product or service of your choice


 You are now required to:

  1. Design a flyer (one page) to promote the product or service of your choice (incorporating trial results and merge data) and saved in a mail merge output file. *
    You may select any industry sector and associated product or service of your choice. Some example industry sectors may be: Car manufacturing, Software, Fashion, Cosmetics, Children’s Toys, Food, Sports, Electrical goods etc.
  1. Write a report containing:

Your Reflections and all references used

* Refer to the Requirements table below for more details

No Details Max. Marks

  1. Create a promotional flyer (Word document), one-page only, for the

product/service that you have chosen

Note: You CANNOT use existing templates or copy texts from other sources

  1. Create an Excel spreadsheet containing a minimum of 12 customer records, with at least columns for the following data items: First Name, Last Name, Address 1, City, Country, Email address and Customer Rating and Use different countries as advised above

Note: Customer rating is a number between 1 to 10 and a rating of 8 or above denotes a ‘Loyal Customer’

This file will be used as the data source for the mail merge

  1. Create an Excel spreadsheet containing 5 records of the criterium or qualities

measured in the product trials. For each criterium, include the name, result (both as a number and as a % of the total in the trial).

For example, “Speed”, “Reliability”, Smoothness”, “Reduced blotchiness” and so forth, depending on the product/service you are promoting. Create a chart based on the data – this chart will be incorporated into the flyer.

  1. Images/links: Create or download company logo and images or other media from the web or other sources to include in your flyer.

Note: Assume that these are available in your company so do not include credit line or references in the flyer. Inc. in Flyer

  1. Complete a mail merge based on the Flyer and the Excel sheet of customers. For this assignment does NOT use the email merge. Save the mail merge to a document that will contain all the merged flyers to all filtered customers, incorporating the Customer Name, Country and Rating at the bottom of the flyer, with a short message of no more than one line.
  2. A report that includes 2 sections:
  3. Your reflections
  4. References
  5. a) All references to the literature that informed your knowledge of marketing, product knowledge and best practice in designing a promotional document/flyer
  1. b) All references that you used to support learning /technical skills
  2. c) References for all other resources e.g. images/media used in the flyer, and websites that informed or inspired your design. Ensure you include the: Website URL, image/medium credit, the date you visited the website/source)

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