Identify any strengths & limitations of research design / methods
Answer each of these 5 questions for each of the 3 articles linked below. –
Q1: Describe major findings from the paper (100 words). –
Q2: Identify any strengths & limitations of research design / methods (100 words). –
Q3: What are the applications for everyday life? (100 words). –
Q4: Provide an example of how the findings could be applied for everyday life. Note that you do not have to provide personal or identifiable information. (200 words). –
Q5: Identify any barriers to implementing this change (100 word)
ARTICLE 1: Livingstone, S., Ólafsson, K., Helsper, E. J., Lupiáñez-Villanueva, F., Veltri, G. A., & Folkvord, F. (2017). Maximizing opportunities and minimizing risks for children online: The role of digital skills in emerging strategies of parental mediation.Journal of Communication,67(1), 82-10 ARTICLE 2: Chien, H., Chung, Y., Yeh, M., & Lee, J. (2015). Breathing exercise combined with cognitive behaviouralintervention improves sleep quality and heart rate variability in major depression. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(21-22), 3206-3214. doi:10.1111/jocn.12972 ARTICLE 3: Neff, K. D., Kirkpatrick, K. L., & Rude, S. S. (2007). Self-compassion and adaptive psychological functioning.Journal of Research in Personality, 41(1), 139–154
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