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Brown (2001) feels that Marketers and Brand Managers are failing in their roles to deliver superior branding/marketing


Part A: Torment Your Customers & Branding

(i)    Brown (2001) feels that Marketers and Brand Managers are failing in their roles to deliver superior branding/marketing – outline three reasons why the author thinks this is the case.   (6 Marks)

(ii)    Brown (2001) suggests that TEASE can overcome the mediocre and lack lustre branding that we currently see in the marketplace – explain each of the TEASE elements and examine more contemporary examples of each one (note: the examples in the reading are not acceptable as they’re too old or US focused).   (20 Marks)

(iii)   The criticisms surrounding Brown’s TEASE framework is that it doesn’t suit every product in every situation – can TEASE be applied to everyday products (for example toilet tissue/Heinz beans/etc.)? (4 Marks)

Part B: Brand Elements & NCI

(i)    Identify any FIVE brand elements used by NCI and examine their suitability using the criteria as set out in your textbook and/or notes  (15 Marks)

(ii)    Taking just two criteria for brand element design: meaningful and relevant; redevelop a more appropriate NCI logo and slogan and give a short explanation as to why your versions will resonate more successfully with students.  (5 Marks)

Total Marks                                                                                (50 Marks)

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