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6C21520: Planning and Enabling Interest Area in Early Learning and Care (ELC) – Curriculum and Pedagogy

University The Open College (OC)
Subject curriculum and pedagogy Assignment

Instructions to Student:

The project will be completed over the duration of the module, with some investigation and consultation to be carried out while on professional practice placement in an ELC setting.

You are required to develop a plan for one enabling interest area in an ELC setting for. You  will choose one of the following options

  • children aged 0 – 2 years 8 months, indoor in an ELC setting or
  • children aged 2 years 8 months – 6 years, outdoor in an ELC setting

You must provide a background and description of the ELC setting with an outline of the area you are planning to develop and the rationale for your choice.

The plan for the enabling interest area must include:

  1. Research and reference to two relevant influential theorists and pedagogical approaches (5 marks)
  2. Compliance with the setting’s policies and procedures, and health and safety requirements (5 marks)
  3. Consultation with staff and children (5 marks)

Investigation of the size of the area, purpose, resources and equipment needed, cost if applicable, possible themes, inclusivity for all children, potential learning opportunities to include creative experiences, types of play, the role of the adult in this area, links with the relevant themes and learning goals of Aistear and standards within Síolta (15 marks)

4. Presentation of your enabling interest area in a visual format (5 marks)

Using [named] reflective model, you must provide a reflection on your personal learning in this project in relation to the role of the adult, curriculum, and pedagogical practices that you explored during the planning process (5 marks).

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Further Education and Training

You are required to include appropriate references and a reference list.

The project may be presented by a variety of means, include presentation, poster, in writing, video, etc.

Where you present your work in written form, the word count should be approximately 1600- 2250 words. When you present in an oral format, it should be approximately 11-18 minutes long.

Mandatory Activity: Consult with stakeholders before designing an interest area in the ELC on play-based learning activities.

To fulfil the brief, the learner must engage with the mandatory activity and provide signed verification of it by the professional practice placement supervisor. Failure to engage with the mandatory activities could have implications for the learner’s ability to submit the assessment and/or for academic integrity.


Rationale for Area

The chosen interest area for the selected age group of 0- 2 years 8 mts is within the indoor Busy Bee room I have chosen to create a *******interest area at the back of the classroom. The rationale for a ******* interest area is xxxxx.

 Influential Theorists

From researching the ***** interest area various theorists were influential to this subject. In particular, the art area(?) describes how xxxxx.

In addition, I was influenced by Laever’s (?) theory on how children learn. He outlines how

Pedagogical Approaches

With regard to researching various pedagogical approaches such as “enquiry-based learning”, this approach was of interest and influence to me because xxxxxxxx.

 ELC Policies & Procedures

“Adhering to policies and procedures is essential for creating safe and engaging play areas in ELC settings. By implementing these guidelines, ELC providers can ensure that children have access to play environments that support their development while prioritizing their health and safety. It is vital for all ELC staff members to be familiar with these policies and actively incorporate them into planning and daily practices” (Early Childhood Ireland, 2023).

Therefore, I complied with the following 3 key ELC policies;

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  • Xxx
  • Play Policy – xxxx
  • xxx

Consulted with Staff & Children

 Planned Activity

The selected area of the ELC setting is the indoor craft area. This is a picture of the current art area.

Aistear & Siolta

In terms of linking the interest area to the Aistear Curriculum Framework, the relevant themes include Identity and Belonging (I&B) and Communicating (Comm). For example;

  • I&B – Aim2: LG 1 – Build respectful relationships with others. The interest area will enable relationships/friendships to be developed because the children can share xxxx.

In relation to linking the interest area to Siolta, the National Quality Framework, the following standards are relevant:

  • Standard 2: Environments – xxxx.

Personal Reflection


The selected model used to reflect on personal learning in this project in relation to the role of the adult, curriculum, and pedagogical practices that I explored during the planning process is the “Rolfe Model of Reflection”. The Rolfe et al. (2001) model of critical reflection is a framework developed by Professors Gary Rolfe, Dawn Freshwater and Melanie Jasper. The model aims to support practitioners to reflect on experiences, feelings, and actions, and develop practice accordingly (University of Cumbria, 2016).



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Early Childhood Ireland (2023) Policies and Procedures in ELC, [online], available: https://assets.gov.ie/24440/03bb09b94dec4bf4b6b43d617ff8cb58.pdf [accessed January 2025].

Flood, E. and Hardy, C. (2013) Early Childhood Curriculum, Dublin: Gill Education.

Kelly, S.E. (2024) Approaches to Curriculum Development in ELC, Tipperary: Boru Press.

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Murray, C. & Urban, M. (2013) Diversity & Equality in Early Childhood: An Irish Perspective, Dublin: Gill and Macmillan.

University of Cumbria (2016) Rolfe et al Model of Reflection, [online], available: https://my.cumbria.ac.uk/media/MyCumbria/Documents/ReflectiveModelRolfe.pdf [accessed February 2025].




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