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QQI Level 5-5N1786: Special Needs Assisting-Assessment Brie-Pack A

University The Open College (OC)
Subject 5N1786: Special Needs Assisting


Skills Demonstration – 60% – Learner Instructions 2

Learner Record – 40% – Learner Instructions 5

Presentation of your Assessment 7

Academic Integrity and Referencing 8

How to Submit your Assessment 9

Assignment Cover Sheet – Learner Declaration 10

Reaction Form 11

Skills Demonstration – 60% – Learner Instructions

This skills demonstration assessment addresses the following learning outcomes.

Title: Special Needs Assisting – Practical Tasks

You are required to plan and carry out an activity which demonstrates your skills when working
with children with special needs. The activity should promote the autonomy and independence of
the child. Identify a child that you work/worked with in a school/centre and complete the following:

● Brief introduction to the child you have chosen,
● Give the child a first name and age,
● Outline briefly the child’s condition/reason for assistance.
Where the learner has no experience to draw on, the following case study may be used.

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Case Study:

Alanna was born prematurely with Athetoid Cerebral Palsy. She spent some time in hospital after birth and was fed through a gastrointestinal tube. She was slow reaching all her physical milestones, she still had significant head lag at six months and did not sit unaided until 18 months. By four years she had started to walk unaided but was not yet completely toilet trained. She was also diagnosed with Epilepsy. Alanna’s language development is affected, and while she has a good vocabulary, she does not speak clearly.

Alanna started school just before her sixth birthday, she is very engaged and capable. She can walk short distances with a walker but is primarily a wheelchair user. She loves to play on her computer and enjoys being read to. Alanna is now in first class.

Alanna can read quite well but struggles with writing and fine motor skills in general. She needs a clear work space with no obstacles to manoeuvre in the classroom. Alanna also needs assistance with toileting, she needs support holding doors open and with her balance. At lunch time she can self feed using adaptive equipment such as a cut-out cup, modified fork/spoon, but needs support as she is at risk of choking and gagging, she may also need support opening cartons etc. She may need longer than other children to consume her lunch.

Briefly outline the activity that you will assist the child to complete (10 Marks)

○ Introduction to the child (5 Marks)
○ Condition/reason for assistance requirement (5 Marks)

Rationale for this activity (15 Marks)
○ Aim and Rationale of the Activity explained (5 Marks)
○ Appropriate assistance given and steps outlined (5 Marks)
○ Effective communication used with evidence of appropriate social skills (5Marks)

Evaluate the activity and the benefit to the child (15 Marks)
○ Discuss the pros and cons of the activity (5 Marks)
○ Discuss benefit to the child (5 Marks)
○ Changes you would make to further benefit the child (5 Marks)
Detail the steps you would use to assist the child in the following:

Feeding (10 Marks)
○ Appropriate level of assistance given (3 Marks)
○ Empathy patience and kindness demonstrated (2 Marks)
○ Independance prompted as appropriate (3 Marks)
○ Effective communication demonstrated (2 Marks)

Toileting (10 Marks)
○ Toileting assisted appropriately (3 Marks)
○ Empathy and understanding demonstrated (2 Marks)
○ Independence promoted as appropriate (3 Marks)
○ Effective communication demonstrated (2 Marks)

While completing this skills demonstration, please take every opportunity to demonstrate the following:

Personal skills:

– Understanding of the role of the Special Needs Assistant,
– Empathy,
– Patience,
– Kindness.

Interpersonal skills:

– Effective communication,
– Active listening,
– Teamwork,
– Non-verbal communication

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Learner Record – 40% – Learner Instructions

This learner record addresses the following learning outcomes.

Title: Learner Record

This learner record offers the learner the opportunity to further explore topics relevant to this module.

Learners must produce 8 Learner Records that demonstrate their understanding of the following:

Learner Record 1

● Review and give an explanation of the relevant legislation regarding the rights of individuals
with disabilities to include:
○ The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (2 marks)
○ The EPSEN Act (2 marks)
○ Reflection (1 mark)

Learner Record 2

● Review and explanation of the relevant legislation regarding the rights of individuals with
disabilities to include:
○ The Disability Act (2 marks)
○ The Equal Status Act (2 marks)
○ Reflection (1 mark)

● Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the Special Needs Assistant:
○ Roles (2 marks)
○ Responsibilities (2 marks)
○ Reflection (1 mark)

Learner Record 4

● Examine the qualities and skills required when working with children with disabilities:
○ Qualities (2 marks)
○ Skills (2 marks)
○ Reflection (1 mark)

Learner Record 5

● Consider how relationships with other stakeholders were created and maintained:
○ Relationships with stakeholders (2 marks)
○ Working under the direction of the teacher (2 marks)
○ Reflection (1 mark)

Learner Record 6

● Discuss how you promote the rights of children with disabilities in relation to:
○ Autonomy (2 marks)
○ Supporting decision making (2 marks)
○ Reflection (1 mark)

Learner Record 7

● Discuss how you promote the rights of children with disabilities in relation to:
○ Participation (2 marks)
○ Inclusion (2 marks)
○ Reflection (1 mark)

Learner Record 8

● Personally reflect on:
○ How your attitude has changed during this course (2 marks)
○ Your own learning while working with children or through this course (3 marks)

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Academic Integrity and Referencing

Whenever you mention another author’s work in your assessment, you should credit that author in a bibliography. A bibliography is a list of resources that have been used to support the learning and construction of content within an assessment. It can include the direct reference list but also includes additional sources that may not have been directly used. Referencing is an important part of academic writing. It tells your readers what sources you’ve used and how to find them. The style you use to reference should be the Harvard Referencing Style; see the links below for more information. Make sure to highlight in the body of your assessment when you do this, so that the assessor knows you’re not copying another author’s work

without giving them credit. For example, in the body of your project, your text might look something like this:

“Kirkpatrick (1) developed a four-level model for evaluating training, which was challenged and
refined by Kaufman (2). ”


1. Kirkpatrick, D., & Kirkpatrick, J. 2006. Evaluating Training Programs: The Four Levels. BerrettKoehler Publishers.

2. Kaufman, R., & Keller, J. M. (1994). Levels of evaluation: beyond Kirkpatrick. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 5(4), 371-380

Harvard Referencing Cheat Sheet

Online Referencing Tools:
https://www.citethisforme.com/harvard-referencing – Tool and Guide

How to Submit your Assessment

Use the system My Forus Training – work submission platform accessible at
https://my.forustraining.ie to submit your work.

You must submit a maximum of 3 documents for each assessment. Files are accepted in the following formats:

Jpg, Jpeg, Png, Gif, bmp, pdf, psd, mov, mp3, mp4, mpc, mpeg, mpg, amr, doc, docx, pptx, ppt, xls,
xlsx, rtf, odt, txt.

The files you submit should include the cover page and be saved as follows so that they are clearly



Each submission must include a signed declaration confirming that the assessment is your own
original work. Submissions will not be accepted without this learner declaration

Example: 5894 – 6N1957 – DECLARATION – JOE BLOGGS

If you need an extension you must contact certification@forustraining.ie before the submission
date and complete an application form. Each extension request will be considered and you will be
notified of the outcome. If successful, you will receive a new submission deadline

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Assignment Cover Sheet – Learner Declaration

**Complete and copy and paste this so that it becomes the first page of each assignment **

Reaction Form

Data Protection Notice:

By submitting this form, you hereby agree that Forus Training (“the Company”) may collect, obtain, store and process your personal data that you provide in this form for the purpose of getting feedback from you as described in this form and/or for receiving updates, news, promotional and marketing mails or materials from the Company and/or the associate Company. For the avoidance of doubt, “personal data” includes all data defined within the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Data Protection Act 2018 including all data you have disclosed to the Company in this form.

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