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Discuss how an organisation might go about evaluating the effectiveness of its performance management system: Public Management, Assignment, IPA, Ireland

University Institute of Public Administration (IPA)
Subject Public Management Assignment

Assessment Overview

Assessment consists of:

  • An assignment in each module Three assignments are due in November and three in March (30% of the overall mark).
  • Exams at the end of each semester (70% of the overall mark).

Your timetable above notes the dates on which you must submit your assignments. Precise exam dates will issue in the second semester.


  •  The assignment titles are provided later in this document.
  • Assignments are to be submitted via Moodle in PDF format.
  • Write you answers into the Assignment Template document provided on Moodle.
  • Retain a copy of your assignment.
  • You will receive your grade and feedback on Moodle.
  • Assignments must be properly referenced. If you have not written academic material in some time, please consult the Student Support Hub on Moodle for advice on assignment structure and on proper referencing. See some summary advice on academic writing and referencing at the end of this document.

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Managing Human Resources

A. Performance Management Systems
Answer both parts
1. Discuss how an organisation might go about evaluating the effectiveness of its
performance management system (including its appraisal and reward systems).
2. Discuss the issues and potential pitfalls which the leaders of an organisation need
to take into account in designing a performance management system.

B. Organisation Culture
Answer both parts
1. Discuss the importance of leaders in an organisation having an understanding and
appreciation of organisational culture.
2. Discuss the approaches available to an organisation that wishes to gain a thorough
understanding of its own culture

Answer both parts.
1. “Value for Money is a contested concept difficult to apply in practice to many
public sector interventions, calling into question its relevance and utility.” Do you
agree? Give reasons in support of your answer. (50 marks).
2. Drawing on your answer from part (1) and other relevant literature, comment
critically on the challenges encountered in applying the Value for Money methodology in your organisation,* suggesting how the system you have examined might be improved. (50 marks).


Question 1

A. Explain the economic rationale for regulating either the electricity sector or the medical profession (Choose one sector. NB Students should concentrate on explaining the economic rationale for regulation and avoid spending significant space on a description of the sector.)

B. What are the benefits and costs of the role played by special interest groups in the formation of policy?

Question 2

A. “The fact that the environment is a ‘public good’ helps explain why solving the problem of climate change is difficult.” Explain this statement, using the economic theory covered in this course.

B. Is taxation a good solution to the problem of externalities? Briefly explain Coase’s critique of taxation as a solution to the problem of externalities.

C. Explain the key elements of the writings of Ronald Coase and assess their contribution to the design of environmental policy.

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