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Robbie is a 16-year-old boy who has been living in your residential service for three years, Robbie’s father is serving: Challenging Behavior Case Study, KC, Ireland

University Kerry College (KC)
Subject Challenging Behaviour

Robbie is a 16-year-old boy who has been living in your residential service for three years, Robbie’s father is serving a long-term prison sentence and Robbie entered residential care when his mother was also imprisoned for an assault on another woman.  Robbie has good social skills and appears very mature in many ways.  Robbie’s primary family contact is with his Aunt who calls to see him and takes him out on occasion.

Robbie currently has occasional phone contact with his mother, however, the relationship is very strained and he does not wish to visit her in prison.  Robbie has spoken of being ashamed of her ending up in prison and being persistently embarrassed by her behavior prior to the final incident which ended up with her custodial sentence.  Robbie has two young siblings who are in foster care whom he never speaks of, Robbie very rarely makes any reference to his Dad.

At school Robbie presents behavioral problems, she is persistently absent, and residential staff has been called to the school on a number of occasions when Robbie was suspected to be under the influence of drugs.  Robbie is bright and often engaged when in class, however as his substance misuse has escalated he has become more withdrawn and his academic work has deteriorated.

Robbie has also been challenged by teachers for frequently speaking about drugs and drug taking to other students.  The residential staff is concerned that it is unclear where he is spending his time when absent from school.   In recent months Robbie has taken to hanging around with a small group of homeless men who drink in the vicinity of his estate.

His social worker is very concerned that there are child protection issues arising as a result of this and has highlighted to Robbie that a move to another residential may need to be considered. Robbie is strongly opposed to any move and has threatened to abscond if he is moved to a different setting. Robbie has been arrested three times in recent months for shoplifting and he often has money that staff has not given him.

Robbie is open to speaking to staff and enjoys one-to-one time with a variety of different staff members, Robbie often comes into the staff office and spends time chatting openly with staff about his feelings in relation to his current situation.  However, Robbie also often stays out late, refusing to say where has been and with whom. Robbie refuses to discuss his drug use, Staff are aware he is using cannabis and suspect he may also be using a variety of other substances.  He is drinking heavily on occasion.

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