6N1945: Introduce the project and provide a brief outline of the childcare sector in Ireland: Childhood Social, Legal & Health Studies Assignment, OC, Ireland
University | The Open College (OC) |
Subject | 6N1945: QQI Level 6 Childhood Social Legal & Health Studies |
Section One
Introduce the project and provide a brief outline of the childcare sector in Ireland. Make reference to how the sector has developed and changed including reasons for change.
Section Two
Outline government influences and initiatives on the childcare sector in Ireland and demonstrate their application to the early years sector. Include specific programmes that support children’s development.
Section Three
Provide a summary of the legislative issues that apply to the childcare sector in Ireland. You must demonstrate their application to the early years sector and how they have supported the creation of a quality early childcare practice in Ireland. Include regulation of services and other quality initiatives.
Section Four
Outline your understanding of Social Policy.
Select one area of social policy relating to the ECCE sector that has positively affected children’s early development and education in Ireland. Discuss the opportunities this policy affords to families and children. Critically evaluate the research findings of your chosen area of social [olicy.
Section Five
Provide appropriate and justified recommendations in response to research and findings on how this area can be further improved / implemented on a national level.
Section Six
Compile a list of logical conclusions. This should include identifying your learning goals’ and how this policy will assist others in identifying learning goals within the context of the social, legal and health framework for ECCE settings which may include further training.
Section Seven
Assess four significant policies and procedures relevant to ECCE settings that ensures adherence to legislation and national practice guidelines.
Discuss how they are shared, implemented, and updated in the setting by the staff.
Give the title of the policy the main aspects that should be in it, and an explanation as how it supports national policy e.g. ‘A Health and Safety Policy supports the Preschool Regulations by ‘providing a safe secure environment for children’s learning, supporting their welfare and protection’.
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