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5N3773: This project requires you to demonstrate your understanding of mental health recovery from an Irish perspective: Recovery in Mental Health Module QQI Level 5 Assignment, CC, Ireland

University Chevron College (CC)
Subject 5N3773: Recovery in Mental Health Module QQI Level 5

Part A


This project requires you to demonstrate your understanding of mental health recovery from an Irish perspective.

As part of this project you are required to:

1. Identify three different types of mental illness and for each:

Discuss the prevalence of the illness in Ireland and compare it with its prevalence worldwide

Outline the characteristics associated with each.

Identify the impact each of these mental illnesses has upon the client’s care needs.

2. Identify three support services available in Ireland that assist in Mental Health Recovery.

For each demonstrates a clear understanding of the role these support services have in supporting mental health and recovery.

3. Clearly identify all key mental health professionals who work in adult mental health services and outline their respective roles

4. As a result of your research:

critically evaluate mental health support services available in Ireland (3)
Based on your reflections, suggest two recommendations for improvements.

Part B

Learner Records 

You are required to plan and organize an activity that reflects the partnership approach between the service user and the team. The activity should demonstrate strategies to reinforce positive mental health for residents/clients.

The activity should be set out using the following headings:

1. Introduction to task

Aim of activity – Overall goal you wish to achieve

Objective of activity – What steps/actions do you intend to take to achieve the overall aim
How you carried out the activity – What specifically did you do

The benefit to service user – How this activity will improve the quality of life of the service user e.g. physically, emotionally, etc.

2. Discuss how you identified the service user’s specific needs and your choice of activity

3. Demonstrate how you facilitated freedom of choice and partnership in decision-making

4. Demonstrate communication skills e.g. empathy, listening, etc. and how you worked effectively with the service user

5. Demonstrate the ability to work independently and as part of the healthcare team

6. Demonstrate and outline your understanding of the following:

  • Policies & Procedures in relation to positive mental health and mental health promotion.
  • Good practice skills when caring for service users – how we do things, established practices

7. Identify your areas of competence in promoting positive mental health when caring for service users with a mental illness and areas for improvement.

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