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This project is to give you the opportunity to carry out a project on behalf of your organization: Certificate in Marketing with Social Media Skills Research Paper, ITC, Ireland

University Institute of Technology Carlow (ITC)
Subject Certificate in Marketing with Social Media Skills

Purpose of your project

This project is to give you the opportunity to carry out a project on behalf of your organization. The client organization may be in the private, public, or not-for-profit sectors.

It is important to approach a company of sufficient scale to carry out a project. Micro enterprises, i.e., less than 10 employees are more challenging from a project viewpoint simply because it is not enough for you to talk about! On the other hand, large multinationals may initially indicate support but pull out later in the process. So, the choice of company/organization is the first decision you must make.

Projects should be grounded in at least one of the subjects you are studying this year and the purpose is to develop your applied research skills in at least that subject. Remember your program is in Marketing with Social Media Skills

Requirements for Submission of Project

(a) Typed double spacing, font size 12, Times New Roman or Arial. Word count: 5,000+/- 10%. Reproduced on one side only of white A4 paper.

(b) To permit binding, the report should have a two-inch margin on the left-hand side. The top, bottom, and right margins should be one inch. Everything except the page numbers must fall within the margins. Page numbers should be in the top right-hand corner of each page

(c) Two spiral-bound copies need to be handed into the Lifelong Learning Office. Both copies will be retained by the Institute. The spiral-bound project should have a black back cover and a transparent front cover.

Project Proposal

Writing a Project Proposal
The information below is intended as a guide only. A project proposal basically lays out your ideas and intentions in a clear, concise manner. It also acts as a guide throughout your research and helps keep you on course. The aim of the project is that the student will carry out research on behalf of a chosen company, and act in a consultancy capacity to identify solutions to a particular problem. A project proposal must be submitted prior to beginning the project. Each project topic will be agreed upon after consultation between the student, the mentors, and the company.

The research proposal should include the following:

  • Title of project
  • Company and Letter from the company confirming co-operation
  • The rationale for the proposed project study: This should include an explanation of the topic of interest including background and relevance.
  • Proposed Literature review: sources that will be used in the literature review.
  • Proposed Methodology: an explanation of how you plan to research the topic of interest

What is a Project Proposal?

A project is a short document (1 page) that identifies and outlines the main components of your project. They are:

1. The purpose of your project
2. The intended company (organization)
3. An opening statement on the research topic
4. Brief description of the intended methodology
5. Expected outcomes

The Purpose of Your Project

There are many reasons for doing a research-based project. Research is, after all, finding out something you don’t know. This project requires you to work with a client company/organization to identify a problem/issue to research. This should incorporate several subject areas being studied. For instance, if researching an operations management problem, the costs and HR implications should also be discussed or the implementation of a customer relationship management (CRM) system.

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