A6SC012: Conduct a breaching experiment, or systematic observation, as per the lecturer’s instructions: The Sociological ImaginationPT Assignment, DBS, Ireland
University | Dublin Business School (DBS) |
Subject | A6SC012: The Sociological ImaginationPT |
Assessment Task
Part 1. Inequality and social structure. Read the fragment from The Spirit Level by Wilkinson and Picket. Explain why sociologists are concerned with inequality – why is it a problem at all? Approx.
Part 2. Social institutions and culture. Conduct a breaching experiment, or systematic observation, as per the lecturer’s instructions. Write a reflection on the experiment, as discussed in class. What happens when we try to break an informal social norm? How do other people react? How do we feel? Why? Support your answer with references to appropriate literature. Approx. 400 words
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