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ANSC30100 Applied Biotechnology UCD Assignment Sample Ireland

ANSC30100 Applied Biotechnology is a biotechnology unit offered at the University College Dublin. The unit provides students with an understanding of the principles and practices underpinning current biotechnological approaches to improving food production and processing, human health, animal health and welfare, and environmental management.

Applied biotechnology refers to the use of biotechnology techniques and tools in practical applications outside of the research lab. This includes everything from using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to produce food and biofuels, to using bacteria to clean up oil spills, to using yeast to produce beer and wine.

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The goal of applied biotechnology is to use the principles of biology to solve real-world problems. Biotechnology has already had a huge impact on society, and it’s only going to become more important in the future. With increasing concerns about climate change, energy security, and food shortages, applied biotechnology is likely to play a critical role in helping us find solutions to these challenges.

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In this unit, there are many types of assignments given to students like individual assignments, group-based assignments, reports, case studies, final year projects, skills demonstrations, learner records, and other solutions given by us. We also provide Group Project Presentations for Irish students.

In this section, we are describing some briefs. These are:

Assignment Brief 1: Evaluate the agricultural and social consequences of transgenic plants and crops.

There are a number of agricultural and social consequences of transgenic plants and crops.

On the agricultural side, there are concerns about the impact of transgenic crops on the environment, biodiversity, and traditional farming practices. For example, there is a concern that the introduction of herbicide-resistant genes into crops will lead to the development of herbicide-resistant weeds, which could have a negative impact on the environment.

There are also concerns about the social consequences of transgenic crops. For example, there is a fear that transgenic crops will lead to increased corporate control over agriculture, and that small farmers will be forced out of business. There is also a fear that GMOs could be used as biological weapons.

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Assignment Brief 2: Evaluate the agricultural and social consequences of genome editing.

The agricultural consequences of genome editing could be quite significant. For example, if a gene for herbicide resistance is edited into a crop plant, then that plant could become immune to herbicides and could potentially overtake wild plants in the environment.

The social consequences of genome editing could also be significant. For example, if it becomes possible to edit the genes of human embryos, then there would be the potential for creating designer babies with desired traits. This could lead to social inequality, as those who can afford to pay for genetic editing services would be able to give their children an unfair advantage over those who cannot afford such services.

Assignment Brief 3: Evaluate the potential of reproductive and therapeutic cloning.

Reproductive cloning is the process of creating a genetically identical copy of an organism. A cloned embryo is created by taking the nucleus from a donor cell and transferring it into an egg that has had its own nucleus removed. The resulting egg is then implanted into a woman’s uterus, where it develops into a fetus and is born as a clone of the donor.

Therapeutic cloning is the process of creating embryonic stem cells from cloned embryos. These stem cells can be used to treat diseases such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. Stem cells can also be used to create replacement tissues and organs for transplantation to patients who need them.

The potential of both reproductive and therapeutic cloning is vast. However, there are also ethical concerns about both procedures. For example, some people believe that reproductive cloning is unnatural and could lead to the creation of genetically modified humans. There are also concerns about the potential for abuse if therapeutic cloning is used to create organs for transplantation.

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Assignment Brief 4: Discuss biotechnology and agricultural biodiversity.

Biotechnology refers to the application of scientific and engineering principles to the processing of materials by biological agents to create new or alternative products. Agricultural biodiversity is the variety and variability of animals, plants, and microorganisms that are used in agriculture. It includes the different ecosystems that support agricultural production, such as croplands, water resources, and livestock grazing areas. 

There is a close relationship between biotechnology and agricultural biodiversity. Agricultural biodiversity provides the raw materials that are essential for biotechnology research and development. Farmers have always relied on naturally occurring genetic variation to breed new crop varieties better adapted to their specific local conditions. This process of selection has been accelerated by recent advances in biotechnology, which allow for the identification and transfer of desired traits from one plant to another with greater precision.

The use of biotechnology in agriculture has the potential to increase yields, reduce pesticide use, and improve the quality of food crops. However, there is also the potential for negative impacts on agricultural biodiversity. For example, the widespread use of genetically modified crops could lead to the reduction of genetic diversity in crop plants, as farmers choose to grow only those varieties that have been genetically modified to be resistant to pests or tolerant of herbicides.

Assignment Brief 5: Discuss new genomic technologies and their relevance for agriculture and the food industries.

New genomic technologies are providing insights that could transform agriculture and the food industries. Researchers are using these technologies to develop more efficient and resilient crops, identify new sources of disease resistance, and improve traditional breeding methods.

In the past decade, sequencing technologies have become much less expensive and more accessible, making it possible to generate large amounts of data about an organism’s DNA. This data can be used to create detailed maps of an organism’s genome—its entire genetic code. These strategies are being used to better understand how plants and animals function at a cellular level, identify genes associated with important traits, and design interventions that can improve crop yields or animal health.

One example of how genomics is being used in agriculture is in the development of “ precision agriculture .” This approach uses sensors and other technologies to collect data about soil conditions, weather, and plant growth. This data is then used to guide decisions about when and how to apply water, fertilizer, and pesticides. The goal of precision agriculture is to reduce inputs while maximizing yields.

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Assignment Brief 6: Experience a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) laboratory practical for human genetic identification and forensics.

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) laboratory practical is a powerful tool for genetic identification and forensics. PCR can amplify small amounts of DNA to produce large quantities, making it an essential technology for DNA analysis. In a PCR lab, you will learn how to set up reactions, how optimize conditions for maximum yield, and how to troubleshoot problems. You will also learn about the different applications of PCR in research and medicine. With this knowledge, you will be able to use PCR for a variety of purposes, including identifying genes linked to disease and determining the paternity of a child.

The first step in a PCR reaction is to create a template for the DNA that you want to amplify. This can be done by isolating DNA from a sample of blood, saliva, or tissue. Once you have your template, you will need to add a few other ingredients to your reaction mix, including primers (short pieces of DNA that will bind to your template), nucleotides (the building blocks of DNA), and a polymerase enzyme.

You will then need to heat the mixture to separate the double-stranded DNA into single strands. This is called “denaturation.” Once the DNA is denatured, you will need to cool the mixture to allow the primers to bind to the template. This is called “annealing.” The next step is to heat the mixture again, this time to a temperature that is optimal for the polymerase enzyme to work. This will cause the polymerase to begin synthesizing new DNA strands, using the template as a guide. The final step is to cool the mixture to stop the reaction.

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