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SO7101: Students must choose a topic that is relevant to their program of study: Research Methods Research Paper, TCD, Ireland

University Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
Subject SO7101 Research Methods

Research Proposal

Students must choose a topic that is relevant to their program of study. If a student wishes to become an expert in a particular subject area, they can use this opportunity to develop this expertise.

Design and write a Research Proposal, outlining your research interests in a Business context which you propose to research for your Project. The proposal should be in an appropriate business or academic style and include a cover page, contents list and page numbering. The font should be Ariel or Times New Roman 12pt with double spacing between lines.

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The Research Proposal should include:

Research Title
This should be a descriptive title that clearly states the main thrust of the research.

Research Aim and Question:

This should define the opportunity to be explored, the problem to be solved or the nature of a Challenge to be overcome.


This should include a broad overview and introduction to the present situation, covering the firm, person requesting the research, an outline of the product/service, market segment, etc. to be researched. Problem/opportunity to be researched should be contextualized.

Research Objectives/Hypothesis

Should include 3 to 5 research objectives designed to answer your research aim or a hypothesis to be tested.

Research Methods

Design a research plan that specifies the research techniques to be used considering the accuracy and objectivity sought by management. It should be designed to achieve ensure that the research is reliable and valid. The planned secondary and primary research should also be outlined.

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Terms of reference
The researcher sets out clearly what is to be undertaken, the time frame do the research, and when, where and how he/she will report to management. The key assumptions and constraints contained in the research should be clearly stated.

Schedule of Costs

An estimate of the costs for the project should be provided. It should include estimates of both direct and indirect costs for the project and describe any financial assumptions made or constraints anticipated.

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