Explain The Role Of The Supervisor In The Planning And Implementation: Supervision In Early Childhood Assignment, DCU, Ireland
University | Dublin City University (DCU) |
Subject | Supervision In Early Childhood |
Task 1: Explain the role of the supervisor in the planning and implementation of the following initiatives/actions:
- What is planning and why Is it important
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of planning
- Planning and implementation of 2 activities while following the below guidelines:
- (First activity example art) – The planning and implementation of the activity through the curriculum (Aistear)
- (Second activity example day trip outing) – The planning and implementation of the activity through the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education (Siolta).
Task 2: (Collaboration) The importance of it, Mention parents, children, and other members of the team. Bring in theory or legislation for example Siolta Standard on Consultation as to why this states parents should be involved. Examine ways in which children, members of the childcare team, and parents/careers are involved in decision-making in your setting. Discuss why you think the methods used and effective – Use theory to back up your answer.
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Task 3 + 4 Combined: Discuss issues and challenges you may face as a supervisor (personal or general) with both individuals and teams. Discuss effective strategies/actions in detail to deal with these challenges and issues.
Task 5: Discuss motivation and supervision/leadership approaches, using relevant theories, and explain how you best support team members within the ecce setting. Reflect on experiences and explain how you would motivate staff in the future. Discuss what you would change or add for the future going forward.
Task 6: Look at ways in which information is communicated in your setting under the following headings:
- Children
- Parents
- Staff
Explain different types of communication methods and how effective you think it is.
Task 7: Create a detailed training plan that complements the objectives of your current work setting. Design appropriate documentation for recording the following: Explain the following terms below and how to use them:
- Staff supervision
- Staff appraisal
- Supervisory Skills
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