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How Coherent And Consistent Is The Company’s Strategy: International Strategy Coursework, UCD, Ireland

University University College Dublin (UCD)
Subject International Strategy

1. How coherent and consistent is the company’s strategy? How well do the different elements of its strategy content fit together and mutually reinforce each other?

2. How robust is the company’s business model for your chosen strategic business unit in terms of creating, delivering, and capturing value?

3. How competitive is its value proposition when compared to its rivals and/or members of its strategic group?

4. What are the principal opportunities and threats facing the company from:

a. In terms of the broader macro-environment;

b. In terms of the industry/market environment?

5. In terms of its resources and capabilities, how well positioned is the company to stave off these threats and take advantage of these opportunities?

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6. Critically review the company’s approach to internationalization in terms of the globalization-localization tension linking the review to Gilani & Razeghi (2010) management orientation framework.

7. Critically review the extent to which the company pursues a trade-off between profitability and responsibility or the extent to which it manages to achieve the “genius” of profitability AND responsibility without a compromise.

8. What advice would you give the company to improve or sustains its performance? This advice should be based on:

a. a critical evaluation of how well it is responding to current issues, challenges, and opportunities;

b. a critical assessment of how it should respond to future issues, challenges and opportunities;

The advice should be evidenced-based and, therefore, you are required to support your advice with reference to evidence and arguments from the analysis, especially when making inferences from information available.

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