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QQI Level 6 Culinary Food Safety Management Fetac level 6 Assignment Example Ireland

Food safety management in culinary is a systematic approach that controls the food safety hazards within a food business. It ensures that food must be delivered to the consumers will be safe to eat. Also, all the businesses in Ireland are required to implement and maintain the FSMS based on the principles of HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point).

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Thus, the purpose of this course is to equip the learners with require knowledge, skills and competence in accordance with various learning outcomes. The learners must be able to evaluate systems of professional kitchen food safety so to meet the principles of HACCP.

Here, in this assignment sample of the 6N0641 QQI Level course, we will discuss each learning outcome. All the objectives of the course must be met by the students after completion. So, we will give you an idea of writing assignment papers under this course without any mistakes.

Culinary Food Safety Management 6N0641 QQI Level 6 Course Learning Outcomes

The roles of various bodies responsible for food safety

This course equips the learners with knowledge to describe the roles and powers of various authorities such as Food Safety Authority of Ireland and the European Food Authority.

These bodies of Ireland are responsible for food safety. Also, the Food Safety Authority of Ireland has a principle function to protect consumers from the risk of unhygienic food products. Moreover, FSA is independent and science-based to raise compliance in partnerships and law enforcement.

However, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) provides scientific advice to companies on food-related risks. The advice informs European laws, rules and policymaking so as to promote the protection of consumers from risks in the food chain.

Evaluate the principles, requirements, procedures and implementation of a food safety management system

This QQI Level course helps the learners to evaluate the procedures and implementation of the food safety management system based on the principles of HACCP in line with legal standards of Ireland. By assessing the food safety management system, learners will be able to identify and control the hazards before they threaten the lives of food consumers.

Explain the role of the HACCP team

The course helps the learners to acquire knowledge in order to explain the role of HACCP team. The major role and functions of HACCP team is to develop, execute and maintain an effective HACCP system. Moreover, the system must meet the legal requirements, codes of practice standards and protects the consumers from harm.

Create a food safety management system using HACCP principles

Helping students of this QQI Level 6 course to acquire skills, they become competent to create a food safety management system using HACCP principles. Here are major principles of HACCP:

  •  Conduct a Hazard Analysis – Principle 1
  • Identify the Critical Control Points – Principle2
  •  Establish Critical Limits – Principle 3
  • Monitor CCP – Principle 4
  • Establish Corrective Action – Principle 5
  • Verification – Principle 6
  • Recordkeeping – Principle7

Adapt a food safety management system to volume cookery in line with HACCP principles and international standards

The course helps the learners to adept food safety management system to volume cookery in accordance with HACCP principles and international standards.

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Ensure the safety of food items produced in a professional kitchen in line with national and international food safety guidelines

All food businesses in Ireland must be required by law to process in accordance with food hygiene regulations. Thus, learners have to ensure they get the skills to measure the safety of the food items in a professional kitchen. Moreover, all the products must align with the national and international food safety guidelines such as IS: 340 standards.

Evaluate recent technological advances in food production systems and critical food safety

The learners acquire the skills and competence to evaluate technological advancements in food production systems for critical food safety. This FETAC Level 6 helps learners to assess the processing and packaging practices. Thereby, ensuring the shelf life and safety of the food.

Moreover, the recent technology in the food safety programs is blockchain, the industrial internet of things (IoT), and next-generation sequencing (NGS) to deter food fraud.

By evaluating the production systems precisely, the huge increase in the freshness and productivity of the food products can be seen.

Assessments and the Techniques of Assessments Concerning Culinary Food Safety Management (6N0641)

The course assessment criteria are divided into 30% of assignment and 70% of examination theory. Group or teamwork may form part of the assessment, provided each learner’s achievement is separately assessed.

In order to evaluate the learner’s standards of knowledge, skill, and competence, providers need to identify all the learning outcomes. All the learning outcomes of the learners can be assessed through the completion of assessment(s).

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