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Rationale For Research And How The Study Could Contribute To Knowledge And Practice: Human Resource Management Dissertation, UOA, Ireland

University The University Of Auckland (UOA)
Subject Human Resource Management (HRM)


1.1. Rationale for research and how the study could contribute to knowledge and practice.

It was 11th March 2020 that the WHO announced that Covid-19 is a global pandemic (cite 1) and since then its effects have been felt in virtually every sphere of society. Numerous studies have focused on identifying and discussing the transformations into the work environment that have arisen, this research project aims to focus on investigating labour claims in the Covid-19 era and repercussion on the future employment relationship.

In order to preserve companies and jobs, significant developments have been taking place in the employment relationship scenario. It could also be said that Covid-19 is acting as a trigger for changes in the workplace which, although pre-announced, have been spread due to the circumstances of the pandemic ( cite 2), for instance, work from home.

The world of work is absorbing the short-term impacts of the pandemic and at the same time inquiring into the long-term repercussions. In this manner, the study will be able to produce data that could be applied in human resources management, precisely in the position of employee relations consultant, which according to Meister and Brown (2020) is among the new jobs of the future and is responsible for instance  for harmonising relations between employees and organizations(CIPD cite5)

The importance of the present research project is providing data that will be able to be used as drives for future strategies linked with conflict management in organizations, as well as serve as a parameter for future projections on the employment relationship post Covid-19.

According to the ILO Monitor (2021), there are globally significant workplace cessation, working hour plummets and employment losses as the ramification of Covid-19 in the world of work. This study concerns the transformations in labour relations brought about, for instance, by remote working, flexibility in employment contracts, the effects on the duty of care and breach of duty.

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Therefore, the intention of this research is to provide a critical look at the repercussions of the Covid-19 on employment claims. It is expected that this analysis will serve as a contribution to decision-makers on improving conflict management mechanisms within organisation connected with the employment relationship.

1.2. Research Question (RQ)

What employment relationship trends could be discernible from current employee claims on Covid-19 times?

1.3. Research Objectives (ROs)

1. Select a sample of lawyers to be interviewed about current labour claims and trends in employment relationship due to the pandemic.

2. Inquire about WRC statistics about employee claims between 2020 and 2021.

3. Compare the WRC statistics before and post Covid-19.

4. Examine if the data collected is significant as drive decision making for human resources people in managing conflicts and source of trends in employee rights.

5. make recommendations for employers about how they could adapt and innovate their human resource management by preventing organizational conflicts or avoid litigations.

Select a sample of lawyers to be interviewed about employee`s pandemic claims and employment trends due to the pandemic.

Inquire WRC statistics about employee claims between 2020 and 2021.

Analyse WRC data.

Examine if the data collected is significant as drive decision making for human resources people in managing conflicts and source of trends in the employment relationship.

Make recommendations for employees about constructive deviance behaviour.

Make recommendations for employers to adapt and innovate their human resource management by preventing organizational conflicts and avoiding litigations.

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