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Explain These Four Types Of Change And The Impact Of Those Changes Using A Case Study Business: Management Essay, TCD, Ireland

University Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
Subject Business Management

Assessment Requirements:

Research and answer ONE of the following essay questions

 Managers should focus on one of four main areas of change; Strategy, Structure, Technology, and People. Explain these four types of change and the impact of those changes using a case study business to illuminate your explanations.

Failure is a necessary part of the innovation process because from failure comes learning.  Using an example of your own failure, reflect on what you learned from the experience and relate your experiences to why people resist change.

Joseph Schumpeter used the term “creative destruction” more than 70 years ago to describe how capitalism builds on processes that destroy old technologies but replace them with new and better ones. That, in essence, is disruptive innovation.  Using an example of disruptive businesses, explain how they innovated and disrupted the existing business landscape

You are expected to show that you comprehend the necessary steps involved in conducting research.  You must use primary and secondary sources of data. Evidence will implicitly show comprehension of the potential complexity of researching a given theme or area of focus.  Individual perspectives and analytic approaches need to be applied to show understanding of the theme or area chosen.

The aim of the assignment is to showcase your academic writing ability including referencing, academic rigor, logic, thesis, and argument.

The essay should be of a professional standard and concur with current college quality regulations.

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 Additional Information

1. The word limit for the assignment is referenced above.  This excludes references, footnotes, and endnotes.

2. The assignment must be typed. One and a half/double spacing must be used with a font size of 11/12. While the font type is up to the student, the more appropriate font types are Calibri, Times New Roman, Arial, or Garamond.

3. The work must be submitted on Moodle to the correct Turnitin link on the relevant module page. Students are required to retain an additional copy for themselves until the end of the academic year.

4. It is recommended that students save their work as a PDF and email it to themselves prior to the required submission day/time as an archive of their work.

5. Students should consult the Student Handbook for a guide on academic referencing. Plagiarism and/or other forms of academic impropriety will incur disciplinary proceedings.

6. Late submissions will be penalized by5 marks of the awarded mark per calendar day.  This is subject to a maximum of 5 calendar days, after which time work cannot be accepted without proof of extenuating circumstances. Refer to the Extenuating Circumstances Policy in relation to what are/are not extenuating circumstances.

7. Work must be presented properly: ensure that you spell-check and proofread your work before submission.

8. Please see the Quality Assurance Manual for further guidance on Assessments.

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 Assessment Criteria

Exceptional 80-100%

Excellent 70-79%

Good 60-69%

Fair 50-59%

Below Expectation 40-49%

Unacceptable 0-39%

Thesis Statement and Adherence


An erudite, clear and succinct introduction to the topic.  Question and thesis and its parameters (including the assumptive flaws) and flawlessly outlined.  Discussion is thought provoking yet relevant.  There is nothing superfluous within the essay.  Economy of language, concepts and adherence to the stated thesis is well above the expectations for the level and the module.

An excellent introduction to the topic with a clear understanding of the question and its parameters. The essay argues every point it intends to with clear and relevant examples and synthesis.  It also relates all discussion back to the question posed.  Each paragraph is clearly related to the topic and answers the question fully and holistically.

Good introduction to the essay with clear details & rationale. Outline of issues is given and a definition of terms. Contains some irrelevant details but mostly the essay focuses on answering the question and integrating relevant examples and theory to form a logical and persuasive argument. 

Has an introduction to the answer to the question but the topic is not clear or the question has been misinterpreted.  Contains much argument which is not relevant to the answering the question and obfuscates the question posed.  There are some logical inconsistencies but the essay argues what it intends, for the most part.

No proper / clear introduction to the topic of the essay or a definition of the thesis which is being explored. Has some details& rational but they are not necessarily related to the question. Lacks details of relevant theory and examples are poor or do not fully support the argument of the essay.

The brief has not been fulfilled.  The question has not been answered and there is no clarity in the answer given.  The introduction does not introduce the essay and it is inappropriate in scope.  The essay and the thesis do not match.

Introduction and conclusion


Exceptional introduction and conclusion following the conventions of introducing and concluding.  They are smooth, appropriate, clear and emphatic. 

Excellent introduction and conclusion which define parameters and are natural, smooth and appropriate.  The Introduction engages and the conclusion is clear and emphatic about the question.  It further contextualizes and ensures that the thesis and results are clear and coherent.

The two ends of the essay introduce and synthesize the content appropriately.  It is most interesting and appropriate and the conclusion looks to the future.

The introduction gives an idea of what the paper is about but does not focus on the question and its answer.  Attempts at contextualization are compartmentalized and not integrated into answering the question.  Theory and examples are separate rather than complimentary.

The introduction is cursory and the end of the essay does not draw a conclusion and propose an answer.  The theory is regurgitated and not synthesized with some misconceptions and misinterpretations.   The question the essay is based on has been adapted or ignored.

No clarity on the topic of the essay and no structure or argument.  The brief has not been fulfilled.

Paragraph development


The structure is flowing but clear.  Easy to follow with logic and economy of language.  Ideas not only complement but build on each other in a holistic and insightful way to emphasize the thesis.

The structure of the essay is clear and easy to follow.  All paragraphs are relevant to answering the question.  Each point within each paragraph is well and fully developed.  There is brevity and economy of expression to convey the most information in the most succinct manner.

Most of the paragraphs have developed ideas that relate back to the question posed.  Most points within each paragraph have a purpose and clear relevance to the essay topic and its progression.  The topic is dealt with in an integrated and sensible manner without waffles.

Although the structure follows a logical progression much of the content is not relevant to answering the question and is tangential.  Core parts of the answer to the question have not been concentrated on and are not the basis of the structure of the essay.

The structure of the essay is not created to aid in answering the question in a clear and coherent manner and much of the essay is not relevant to the core question posed.  Some concepts are misplaced and although they flow in the essay are irrelevant.  Paragraphs do not transition; they halt and arguments are not completed within the sections.

Ideas within each paragraph are underdeveloped and there is little structure that aids in answering the question.

Argument structure


All points have a golden thread between them and are both clear, consistent and follow one from the other.  Dissonance is recognized and smoothly integrated into the arguments.  Debate and counter-debate are complementary to the thesis.

Major points flow sensibly and coherently from one into the other.  The argument is well planned and supported in each section with theory and examples.  The argument closely matches with the question and does not deviate.

Major points are covered although more planning of integrating theory and examples would have created a better-planned argument.  However, there is support and explanation of all the relevant points and all points made are well supported and clear.

Major points are addressed but many are inadequately supported.  Some are not related to what the question is asking.  Although there is an attempt to integrate theory and examples this is not always coherent.  Logic is sometimes faulty and the interpretation of the question not in focus.

Major points are addressed but not supported with relevant examples and/or theories.

Major points lack supporting data in the form of both theory and examples.  The essay does not relate to the question asked and therefore does not fulfill the brief.



All logic is followed through to its conclusion, sensically and clearly.  Every part of the logic relates back to the question.

All arguments are sensical and relate directly back to the question asked. 

Most arguments are sensical and relate directly back to the question asked.

A large proportion or arguments are sensical but some need more development.  There is also a high proportion of work that does not relate directly to answering the question and a lack of academic rigor.

The logic of the argument is unclear and points are not supported.

No discernible logic to apply the answer to the question

Primary Sources


Academic rigor is exceptional

Academic rigor is high

Academic rigor is very good

Academic rigor is lacking in places

Academic rigor is low or lacking

There is no academic rigor

Secondary Sources


Wide and various sources with appropriate academic provenance are used.  Concepts such as the evolution of theories is taken into consideration as well as the theoretical frameworks themselves.

A large and varied selection of appropriate academic, peer-reviewed sources has been consulted and used effectively

A varied selection of appropriate academic, peer-reviewed sources has been consulted and used well

Academic sources peer-reviewed sources have been consulted but they have been used incorrectly or superficially and not synthesized

Very few or no academic sources have been consulted and synthesized

Academic sources have been misused to the point where the essay lacks originality.

Referencing and academic writing


No errors

No errors

Minor Errors

A pattern of errors

Hybrid or haphazard style


Grammar, punctuation and style


All correct with rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.  Language is clear and precise and fluid; sentences display consistently strong, varied structure

All correct with rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.  Language is clear and precise; sentences display consistently strong, varied structure

Mostly correct with rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation followed; spelling is correct.  Language is clear and precise; sentences display consistently strong, varied structure with one or two errors

The paper contains a number of grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors.  Language lacks clarity

The paper contains numerous grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.  Language is opaque and incoherent in places.

The essay was unreadable.

Overall argument


Exceptional overall with clear discipline, conceptual thought, academic rigor and balance.  A joy to read.

Excellent overall with clear discipline, conceptual thought, academic rigor and balance.  A delight to read.

Very good overall with interesting points, conceptual arguments, well-executed and well-presented but some room for improvement by keeping clarity of thought.

Reasonable attempt but ideas, although interesting are not fully synthesized.  A large amount of the essay does not deal with the core task that the question asked to be done.  Conceptual thought is lacking and evinced by verbosity and lack of clarity.

A fair attempt but incorrect or inconsistent arguments presented. They do not hold up to scrutiny and they do not answer the question.

Does not attempt to demonstrate the answer to the question and no thesis or argument is presented

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