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5N0758: You are Required to Complete a Practical Activity with a Group of Clients: Care Support Assignment, OU

University The Open University (OU)
Subject 5N0758: Care Support

Learning Outcomes:

SLO 3: Demonstrate the ability to plan and provide enhanced quality care.
SLO 4: Apply knowledge gained to plan and meet the needs of the individual client.


You are required to complete a practical activity with a group of clients (or one client with high dependency or particular individual needs) to enhance your awareness of care support in the work placement. Carry this out using the following guidelines to complete the assignment.


(Can be written in both the past and future tense)

Aim of Activity – To carry out a practical activity with clients to enhance awareness of care support in the work placement.

The rationale for activity (include two reasons why you have chosen this activity and back it up with references). This may include the benefits of the chosen activity for the client(s)’s overall wellbeing and sensory stimulation.

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Discuss how you will:

  1. Observe your client(s)
  2. Determine appropriate activity
    • Include consultation and discussion with your supervisor (to include permission, arranging time and date for activity)
    • Discussion with a client(s) about the suitability and interest in the activity Decide the number of clients that will be doing the activity
  3. A suitable length of time required for the activity
  4. Materials/resources you may need and the cost involved
  5. Consider best practice in meeting the individual needs of the clients:
    • Mobility
    • Diversity
    • Inclusive practise
    • Mental and physical stimulation
    • Maintenance of client dignity, independence o Anti-discriminatory practise
  6. Health and Safety issues


To evaluate effectively consider the sources of information you can draw from:

  1. Staff feedback
  2. Direct observation of clients
  3. Client’s comments

Consider the following when evaluating the activity:

  1. Did the activity meet your aim?
  2. Did all the client(s) participate fully? If not, why?
    • Were there any client(s) who did not benefit from the activity and why? Was the activity carried out at an appropriate time of day?
    • Did the activity stimulate the client’s different senses? If so, how? Discuss with references the importance of some of the issues like:
      1. verbal and non-verbal communication skills
      2. health and safety issues
      3. physical, cognitive, communication social, and emotional needs of the clients being met
      4. Dignity, independence, privacy, etc if relevant
      5. Your organisational skills
      6. teamwork
  3. Consider positive and negative things that happened.
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